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Kim Pack should have seen this attack coming.

the lack of food and extreme climate had compelled the pack members to venture beyond the boundaries for food.

what started out as occasional becoming frequent slowly, fueled by the greed of giving a better life to their pack- the pride of pack hunters at stake.

but venturing into the Jeon territories was foolishness.

four times stronger and skilled than Kim Pack, Jeons were a force to reckon with.

Kim Pack really should have seen this attack coming, but they were a bit foolish to steal from Jeons to begin with.


taehyung jolted up from his bed, his omega senses being alerted by the scent of distress suddenly filling the air. still a bit muddled from sleep he hastily climbed off the bed, quickly wearing the robe around his naked torso.

taehyung bolted out of his hut but not before taking his bow and arrow, eyes and ears focusing on the fire and screams filling his pack grounds.

what awaited him was the sight of wolfs of different shades pouncing on each other, teeths barring, furs brushing the fire around. taehyung frantically looked around hiding behind a wall, his hands tightening around the arrow.

His pack is in attack.

taehyung's heart ached at the thought of the destruction that awaits his pack, a silent prayer uttered through his pink lips.

"Moon goddess, please help us" he breathed out.


being an omega, taehyung's wolf was weak incase he come close with an alpha or beta of enemy pack. But he was quick and skilled with his weapon, as his arrows pierced the limbs of wolfs and a few enemies human form.

the unknown scents was muddling his brain, alpha pheromones in the battle field making his omega whine.

but he trudged through the battle helping the helpless omega and children of his pack to safety, as he urged them to hide in the common dining hall of the pack.

"Taehyung! Taehyung honey come here!" he heard as he wiped the blood off his cheek with the back of his hand. he winced as he turned around, as his probably sprained ankle protested but a slight relief washed over him, as he saw his omega father running to him.

"appa what are you doing here?! Go to the dining hall with others" taehyung said as his omega father ran up to him.

"Come with me. You are not going to fight. Are you hurt?" Sungho fretted cheeks stained with tears as he tried to drag taehyung away from the chaos. his appa was never a fan of him practicing archery instead of tending to omega duties.

"I have to help them appa. We need all the help" he reasoned while helping an injured beta warrior to stand, his father quickly aiding him masking his shaking hands.

a growl freezed them in their tracks, taehyung now noticing the thick earthy alpha scent. his omega father whimpered in submission, the beta shivering in their arms, taehyung's wolf screaming at him to submit.

suppresing his urges he faced the wolf three times his size, with a practiced motion aiming the arrow as he screamed at his father to run.

he skipped past the brown paws, the arrow though not much painful for the giant wolf but surely putting the target on taehyung as he ran off the opposite direction, the wolf hot on his heels.

taehyung knew he had no chance against an alpha. He knew it even before he heard the scream of his father.

he felt a sudden longing and love for anything and everything he treasured in his pack; his friends, his home.

the shadow of the wolf engulfed him as it caught him by the neck, the entire jaw covering his neck not enough to break but enough as a warning.

a whimper tore through taehyung, fear and helplessness distressing the omega as he is dragged to a clearing and is unceremoniously dropped among others of his pack.

taehyungs hands shook as his eyes took in the site of Jeon Pack warriors in a circle guarding his pack members, mostly injured that was caught.

"Taehyungie oh no Tae" he caught a whisper of his name quickly spoting sunmi in the circle, half her face matted in blood.

"I'm so sorry tae i'm so sorry" sunmi muttered as she hugged taehyung. taehyungs mind was too muddled to understand the real meaning of her words.

all the fear, exhaustion and uncertainity caught him as he hugged Sunmi, she slowly weaved her hands through his blonde disheveled hair.

Taehyung knew they lost and the consequences they have to face scared him.


moments passed as more of the warriors of Kim Pack was dragged to the circle.

jungkook's wolf puffing out proud as he stood alongside his equally proud father. he shifted to his muscular human form bones rearranging in a blink, swiftly wearing the cloak brought to him by a beta of his pack.

"Kim Donghyun!" Jeon pack alpha's voice pounded through, the alpha barely injured stepping up and stopping infront of a hunched figure.

taehyung having heard the commotion quietly crawled away from Sunmi to the front despite her protests.

his heart shattered at the sight of his alpha father badly injured and defeated kneeling, while his omega father is crying.

"How Dare You Steal from Our Lands" he kicked the defeated alpha, Donghyun falling to the ground.

at this Taehyung rushed off the circle, hissing at the alphas who tried to stop him and crouched down to hug Donghyun.

Donghyun kept silent, eyes closed, the fact of having failed his pack and his family weighing him down.

"Take this as a warning. Never come sniffing into our land or l will have your head ripped and your lands burned to ashes" he roared eyes shining red.

Jungkook's eyes never left his father, he always admired his fierceness.
He ignored the slight pang he felt seeing the blonde omega and Donghyun. They deserve it. He told himself.

no one in Kim Pack dared to move. They know they are out numbered and accepted their defeat while the Jeons stood proud.

"You know the rule. Offer your first born." he commanded.

Donghyun's shoulder tensed, a sob ripped out of Sungho. the distressed omega scents wafted off the blonde boy as Sungho moved to take his sons hands in his.


The alpha wolfs of Jeon Pack left the circle and formed beside The Jeon Pack Alpha and his son Jeon Jungkook.

taehyung screamed and kicked as he was dragged by two betas and was forced to kneel, his arms and legs were bound face hitting the mud as he fell.

his ears took in the cries of his omega father as he blacked out surrendering to exhaustion and pain.

Jungkook silently observed everything. his wolf a bit curious, a bit in awe of the omega who put up a good fight, instead of submitting like everyone did. But his face remained stoic and soon he shifted and howled.

The victory was indeed theirs tonight.


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