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to say taehyung is confused would be an understatement.

but life just threw him to the biggest whirlpool and had just told him to survive. so the confusion and untrust clouded him everytime.

a part of him knew how ever cruel jungkook might be, he wouldn't dare do anything to him without consent. he would be lying if he said he didn't see the other trying. taehyung even knows he should have given jungkook a chance to explain before going away with an omega he barely knows.

but taehyung was just waiting for a chance to get away from jungkook. even with his mating mark throbbing every step he took away from jungkook, he told himself it doesn't matter. this just might be his chance to escape.

the omega seokjin held taehyung close and led him through the narrow clearing in between the green vegetation. taehyung noted the building structures much better than his pack dotted all across the land, as far as his sight can reach.

taehyung got so lost taking in all of the surroundings, his breathing calmed down and he could walk without seokjins support.

"that large building over there is the common mess hall along with the kitchen and that one with garden is the elders home.." seokjin began saying noticing taehyungs curious eyes and hoping to ease the tension.

taehyung a bit taken aback by the others friendly tone at first, later nodded along as seokjin excitedly continued.

"i helped them make that garden. beautiful isnt it?" taehyung nodded and weakly smiled eventhough he couldn't really see much from this far.

"we have the alpha and omega dens for unmated just about 100 steps from elders den and behind them is the infirmary. i help there sometimes. got friends with jungkook since that brat gets injured once a week ever since he could walk" seokjin said with a cheery tone. taehyung froze a bit at the mention of jungkooks name and seokjin was fast to notice it.

so quickly changing the subject seokjin said "ah that over there is our sweet little home." taehyung followed seokjins eyes and met a cozy medium sized home left to the clearing.

"me, my mate namjoon and our jinae lives there" seokjin said with a dreamy sigh. the house was made of wood just like every other structure, its slightly smaller than jungkooks house but nonetheless looked warm.

"jinae?" taehyung asked in a tiny curious voice.
seokjin was relieved that he could distract taehyung.

"jinae is our daughter. she is three. she was all whiney today, so joon took her to meet hoseok" taehyung cocked his head to the side at the mention of a new name and seokjin had to suppress the urge to pinch his cheeks.

"alpha hoseok is in our friend circle too. he is a literal energy ball and spoils jinae rotten" seokjin laughed. "you will meet him, yoongi and jimin properly soon" he smiled at taehyung.

taehyung uneasily smiled. he didn't know making friends here would be a great idea. he just needs to lay low and escape when the time comes.

they stopped just outside the home, seokjin opening the door for him. taehyung was hit by a variety of warm scents, all with an undertone of milk probably because of the baby jinae. it felt so cozy he almost got reminded of their home when him and his siblings were little. taehyung throat dried up at the thought of his home.

seokjin led him towards a room just next to the kitchen. its small but warm with a bed, table and a cupboard.

"i know things are very hard for you now. you can stay here until things get better between you and jungkook. you are a friend to us too taehyung ah... hope you see us the same way soon too" seokjin said with that warm smile, the sincerity in it constricting taehyungs heart.


"AGAIN" jungkooks voice boomed through jeon packs practice grounds, the young alphas who was about to sit and rest their legs suppressing a groan and resuming jogging around the ground another lap.

no ones going to talk back when jungkook is seething, veins popping off the neck.

"what crawled up his arse today" hoseok whispered to yoongi, both of them helplessly watching jungkook taking out his anger on the trainees.

"heard taehyung is staying at namjoons home for now. seokjin said they had a fight." yoongi whispered back.

hoseok ahh-ed in understanding and proceeded to sharpen the arrows and arrange them.


seokjin and namjoon watched from afar as taehyung animatedly narrated a story to little jinae. the little girl although was hiding behind seokjin too shy at first, soon warmed up to taehyung now wont leave from the omegas side.

taehyung absolutely adored kids and jinae with her cute cheeks and puppy eyes was too hard for anyone to resist. both of them giggled at their own antics, jinae showing him all her toys with a cute "tete look", that had him clutching his heart at the cute nickname.

he ignored the omega side of him longing for his mate and entertained his new little friend for now.


after taehyung had denied to accompany them for dinner, seokjin and namjoon walked to the mess hall jinae at the middle clutching both of their arms.

they had left only after a guard was posted by the door to check on taehyung; special orders from pack alpha to keep an eye on taehyung at all times.

it was a friday and every member of the pack was present there since its compulsory for everyone to have food together this day.

namjoon tsked already spotting jungkook from afar, the alpha standing their glaring at anything and everything.

but as soon as jinae screamed "uncle kookie" the others tense face loosened to a smile and he scooped the child in his arms and bounced her up making the girl giggle.

jungkook was quick to notice the faint smell of jasmine on the child, his heart easing at the thought of taehyung playing with the kid. his brain already imagined how cute that would be!

"how is he?" jungkooks curious eyes wandered from namjoon to seokjin.

"taehyung is well. he and jinae were playing all evening. but he refused to come for dinner." jungkook nodded. that was not surprising considering taehyung is vary of the pack. he is relieved that at least he trusts two of his friends.

"yah dont worry too much jungkook ah. he will ease up to you soon. i bet staying away from you is hard for taehyung too" seokjin reasoned. "afterall you guys are newly mated" namjoon supplied.

jungkook knew they were just telling that to ease him but nevertheless he smiled weakly.

soon they joined hoseok, yoongi and jimin- jungkook forgetting all the worries for now.


after reaching home, namjoon assured the guard off duty and seokjin went straight to taehyungs room with food that jungkook had so meticulously packed up for his mate. seokjin found taehyung curled up by the fireplace, the other smiling at him.

taehyung had shyly whispered a quick "thankyou" and sat at the dining table taking the neatly covered parcel, seokjin leaving to put jinae to sleep.

taehyung untied the black scarf binding the tins of food. he thumbed at the soft material gulping at the cedar scent obviously understanding its jungkooks. he dont know why but stuffed the cloth into his pant pocket and dig into the food, chest heavy.

later when it was dark with only the moonlight shining, taehyung laid on the bed tears slowly rolling down his face wetting the pillow, his fingers clutching tightly onto the black scarf.

a few meters away on the far side of jeon pack, jungkook laid on the bed face buried on the pillow they had used that morning. he breathed in the faint smell of jasmine lingering, chest longing for his mates warmth next to him.


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