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everything was silent.

the type of silence that makes every little sound amplify.

be it loneliness or the pitter patter of footsteps or maybe the sound of doors opening or the clutter of cutleries.

taehyung hated and liked this silence.

he liked it because he hated the mere thought of having to see anyone right now.

he very much like the pitch dark room, the corner uncomfortable but makes him feel somewhat safe? ironic since he is right in the cave of his enemy.

now, he hated the silence coz it gave him too much time to think.

he thinks about his cursed life, occasionally about his family. he wonders if they miss him or if they're still crying over him. he thinks about what his life will be from here.

he thinks about jungkook, most part of those thoughts is him cursing the alpha, the dickhead who claimed him as if he is just a property.

occasionally his hands stray to the mating mark on his neck and he hates it when butterflies erupt in his tummy.

now that he has so much time to think, he remembers some glimpses of the short heat.

he could recall strong hands gliding across his skin.

he remember red irises boring into him, so dominant with a hint of gentleness.

he swears he could still feel hot breath against his neck.

he hated everything about it and blames those thoughts on hormonal imbalance- just the after effects of a heat.

because that alpha dragged him back when he tried to escape, watched him get punished, violated him, mated him out of consent. he doesnt care if jungkook is his mate now, taehyung is never gonna surrender.

though he feels a part of him is broken, he will try...he will somehow escape.

staring at the endless blackness, taehyung told this to himself again and again.


taehyung tensed when he heard footsteps stopping right behind the closed door.

almost too slowly, as if hoping to go unnoticed, the person opened the door.
light poured in through the crack and taehyung wondered how much time had passed.

a figure half of him covered in shadow stood there. taehyung immediately noticed the sweet scent, the other is an omega.

"hey taehyung" the person said. taehyung tensed, the barriers in him rising.

"i'm seokjin" the other said opening the door more. now taehyung could properly see everything but he just glared at the others friendly face not moving from the corner.

"i brought you food. you haven't had anything in two days"
then only taehyung noticed a tray in seokjins hand.

truthfully taehyung is hungry, very hungry. but no, he isnt gotta take any charity from these people.

"i dont want anything" taehyung replied, his own voice surprising him on how tired it sounds.

"but you have to.." seokjin began

"I said I dont want anything" this time taehyungs voice got louder.

taehyung saw the hesitance in others face and a sick happiness mirthed in him.
he glared more when the other took cautious steps forward as if to place the tray on the table near the window.

taehyung jumped up, the omega in him not very happy. he thinks that more has to do with knowing jungkook lets other omegas into his home.

seokjin warily moved, about to place the tray of food.

Anger boiled in taehyung. he wanted an outlet.

with one swift motion taehyung pushed seokjin. the other stumbled, the tray of food clattering on floor as seokjin fell to the floor with a yelp.

"i said i dont want anything. Get Out"
taehyungs voice got higher with every syllable. he saw seokjin tremble, a part of him satisfied now on seeing a member of jeon pack shiver below him.

seokjin stiffly stood up and hurried towards the door. taehyung thinks he heard other frantic footsteps outside.

the door closed and warm silence engulfed him again.


he doesnt know how much time had passed. he is now curled on the bed, having moved to it when the floor got too uncomfortable.

taehyungs fingers absentmindendly plucked at the threads on the sheets. occasionally his brain supplies this is the same bed were jungkook took him and mated him. he swallows.

he still doesnt know what to feel about it. he hated the entire jeon pack for sure, for what they did to to his pack. he wonders what would've happened to him, if jungkook didnt mate him.

would he have ended up with someone nicer, someone who would help him escape?

he himself knows it is absurd- no one would betray their own pack. but maybe it would be better than ending up with the son of pack alpha.

taehyung doesn't know.

he just drifts in and out of sleep.


meanwhile jungkook was furious.

he was furious at seokjin for approaching taehyung when he wasnt home. seokjin is always too kind and has been too ecstatic since jungkook mated.

he was furious at namjoon for letting seokjin do this, but inside he know namjoon can never say no to seokjins puppy eyes.

moreover jungkook was furious at taehyung.

how dare he disrespect a jeon pack member, someone who approached him with kindness. jungkook thinks taehyung should be thankful to them for not burning down his entire pack or for not killing him.

after assuring namjoon and seokjin outside- seokjin repeatedly telling him that he doesn't mind and it was his fault to approach taehyung, jungkook makes his way towards the room taehyung has been hiding for the last two days.

truthfully it irritates jungkook. if taehyung has just accepted to move on, he is ready to shower taehyung with anything and everything. his alpha is too agitated and worried by his mates constant distress.

jungkook opens the door not very gently making taehyung who was curled on the bed to jolt up.

his eyes took in the food scattered on the floor but he willed himself to suppress the anger a bit.

he then approached taehyung without hesitance but cautious, he does see a hint of fear in taehyungs eyes but its more defensive.

jungkook stopped right infront of taehyung, the latter looking so small in the bed right now.

"we are going to eat" jungkook simply said and gripped taehyungs hand and pulled him up.

jungkook proceeded to drag taehyung by the arm outside of the room, the other twisting and hissing in his hold to get away.

across on the dining room, the food seokjin prepared for jungkook was arranged on the table.

jungkook sat down on the chair and pulled taehyung into his lap unbothered. he felt taehyung tense up and saw him taking in a shuddering breath. a smirk now playing on his lips he pulled taehyung closer, the others back now pressed to jungkooks chest.

his lips hovering so close to the mating mark on taehyungs neck, jungkook whispered "lets eat pup"


a/n: happy new year!

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