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after two days of traveling, alternating between his human and wolf form, taehyung had crossed the borders of jeon pack reaching the mountains.

drenched and shivering in the unexpected rain he had huddled his tired body under a cliff, wrapping himself into the white coat drowned in jungkooks scent.

he slept for hours, until the the rays of sun hit his face.

he didn't know what else to do now, other than just to survive.

taehyung had no one to talk to or care for. he is just on his own now.

but after a month of gloom and uncertainities the peace he felt was refreshing.

among the green, his blonde wolf looked like a fur ball as it breathed in the freshness, observed other little animal inhabitants of the forest, gazed at the meadows of flowers and spend hours swimming in the lake.

he felt calm.

but that didn't last long.

on one of his expeditions wandering around the place to stock up food, his ears picked up rapid footsteps and an onslaught of alpha scents.

he was met with three pairs of eyes staring at him- their fur dirty, marred with scars and a menacing growl.

they circled taehyung as if he is a prey and when he tried to turn to his wolf form and escape, one of them used his alpha voice without any hesitation.

clearly rogues.

no one affliated to a pack will ever use alpha voice as its prohibited on all pack lands.

the effect of alpha voice on taehyung was instant- his omega crumbled and submitted to the unknown alphas. his body collapsed on the mud, the growl from the rogue alpha freezing his whole body as his brain hazed and panic overcame his senses.

the rogues turned to their human forms. not even bothering to cover their nudity, they continued circling the omega curled on the ground.

taehyung tried to close his ears at the vile things they spewed at him. his skin burned at the touch of an alpha other than his mate.

fear clogged him as his limb body still in the effects of alpha voice was dragged to a dark corner of a cave. leaving him there now and promising pain and torture, the rogues left him there alone.


jeon pack warriors guided by namjoon, hoseok and yoongi set forth to the northern borders, seperating into groups in search of jungkooks mate.

jungkook alone picked up speed, moving ahead all of them in search of his mate.

with the increased speed of the alphas, they covered the distance rather quickly; the mountains becoming closer and bigger with every passing hour.

jungkook felt adrenaline course through him. he feels a tremble in his heart occasionally.

his alpha part is restless and jungkook is hoping all these are not any sign that taehyung is in danger.

his majestic black wolf hidden in the darkness of night trudged forward, jungkooks red eyes always set ahead. the entire forest was eerily quite and even the sky didnt have any stars as if they are hiding away from the sheer dominance emitting from the alpha in search of his mate.


taehyung dreamed of starless skies and melancholic forests that night.

he hissed unconsciously in sleep as his mating mark heated up like hot lava.

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