32. OURS

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a week had passed by since the heat.

taehyung was currently at the construction site of the new building for omegas, checking if everything is going smooth and upto the needs.

around 11 to 13 workers were going around carrying wood, bricks and water, working very had. taehyung was very much impressed.

meanwhile jungkook was trailing behind taehyung, almost as if to scare away anyone thats coming near the omega.

"jungkook you should take care of your work. i'm fine here" taehyung sighed for the upteenth time.

but the alpha would shrug it off and say he want to stay with his omega.

ever since the heat, jungkook had been overly possessive of taehyung, latching behind the omega everytime he gets out of the house. initially taehyung loved the attention, especially his omega in the post-heat glow crooning over his alpha.

but jungkook neglecting his duties, doesn't sit right with him.

taehyung shook his head and continued inspecting around.

when taehyung was talking with a beta who drew the plan of the building, regarding adding better ventilation, jungkook was towering right behind the omega sizing up the beta.

"y-yeah w-w-we can..um" the beta started stuttering waringly glancing behind taehyung at the alpha, who was casually flexing his arm muscles while staring down the beta.

taehyung have had enough.

after thanking the beta, taehyung dragged jungkook away from the site. he was all ready to knock some sense into his alpha.

"whats your problem jungkook" the omega folded his arms, eyes narrowing at the alpha.

"what?" jungkook cocked his head innocently.

"you think i didnt notice the way you were scaring your own pack members?" the omega had accused.

"oh that? i dont like it when they look at you" jungkook was stubborn as ever.

taehyung sighed exasperatedly.

"go back to pack house and complete your work." the omega was not backing down this time.

"i can do that later." jungkook stubbornly reasoned and even dared to pout.

"not this freaking 6 ft tall sexy cute muscle giant, pouting at me" taehyung thought and almost fell for the trap.

"go now or you'll be sleeping on the couch for a week." taehyung stood his point and glared.

jungkooks eyes widened at that, mouth gaping like a fish in water.

"fine." the alpha angrily said before stomping out from there.

taehyung giggled at his alphas new stubbornness. he knew he can take that anger away just with a kiss.

so taehyung went back to his task now, without having his alpha scaring away the people.


later, taehyung went to the common kitchen were seokjin and few omegas were preparing the meal for the workers.

being an omega himself, he loved spending time with one of their own. so cooking with them would basically be lots of chatter, laughs and occasional gossiping.

seokjin had asked taehyung to peel garlic for the dish, since the omega is mildly allergic to it and didn't wanted to end up with a runny nose. taehyung happily agreed to help.

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