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"taeeee you really have to wear that?" jungkook frowned dotting behind taehyung like a puppy, who is collecting the plates after breakfast.

"its just shorts jungkook. its more comfortable" taehyung said matter of fact.

its been a week since taehyung started training the omegas. the pants he usually wear makes it uncomfortable for him to move his legs freely. so the omega decided to switch to shorts today.

but the alpha was not having it, whining behind taehyung ever since he got dressed in a grey tshirt and shorts.

jungkook pouted further while the omega quickly cleaned the kitchen before leaving. jungkook just doesn't want others to see his omegas beautiful legs. the way the shorts hug his ass is making himself horny and his alpha is way beyond restless just at the thought of others seeing it.

the alpha was way lost in thoughts, so he got quite surprised when taehyung kissed his lips.

"stop overthinking alpha. no one is going to steal me from you" the omega giggled leaning onto his alphas chest.

jungkook smiled, holding him close and kissing him properly. one of his hand travelled down, gripping the globe of taehyungs ass firmly in his palm.

"Mine" jungkook growled possessively and taehyung moaned into the kiss.


"sana you need to place you legs a bit more closer" taehyung instructed the omega to take position.

"now slowly ease the arrow" he said calmly, watching the way the omega took a deep breath.

the female omega aimed and fired the arrow, it landing on the outer circle of the target. she squealed while taehyung and other omegas clapped for her. it has been only a few days and they were making so much progress.

jungkook afar watched with fondness as his mate smiled and encouraged the others. occasionally taehyung would turn around and wave in tiny at the alpha. jungkook would wink back and the omega would roll his eyes all the while blushing prettily.

it was jungkooks turn to take over the training and the alpha was just checking on taehyung during the recess. even other alphas and betas who were resting was watching the omegas of their pack work so hard with pride and also would secretly snicker at the cute interactions of the couple.

the next it was turn for a much younger omega to take position. the omega looked very unsure but taehyung encouraged her to try, guiding and correcting her stance while giving instructions.

jungkook was a bit worried the way her hands were shaking so much and her eyes were flashing uncertainly, instead of concentrating on the target.

the young omega took aim and was about to fire when one of her legs slipped. instead of going straight, the arrow that she fired went the other way.

time seemed to slowed down; the arrow firing straight at one of the omega standing by the side.

but taehyung was quick; dasing and pushing the omega away, both tumbling to the ground while the arrow missed both of them and pierced into a tree.

a growl ripped through the ground, jungkook running to the scene, the chair he was sitting flying back with the force. his alpha had thought his omega is in danger.

"taehyung are you hurt?" the alpha frantically jogged to the omega on the floor.

he growled at the omegas who came to help taehyung up; they moved away and whimpered in submission.

jungkook dropped on his knees, helping the omega sit on the ground and rumbling while pulling the tshirt down which rid up when the omega fell.

taehyung groaned, abit dizzy from the fall but quickly assured the alpha he is fine.

"its okay alpha" he mumbled but winced soon when he tried to move his leg.

jungkooks eyes zeroed in on the blood oozing out of taehyungs hurt knee. his eyes flashed red, every bit of protectiveness in him jumped out.

"Fuck you're hurt" he immediately teared a piece off his own white tshirt, binding it over the others knee, whilst taehyung whined at the sting.

"enough with this shit. You are never coming to the training grounds again" jungkook nearly growled as he tied the cloth.

"i will be fine alpha" taehyung calmly said, not really sensing jungkooks anger.
"we will resume the practice tomorrow" taehyung turned to the omegas looking at him with concern.

"NO. You're not omega" taehyung flinched at the angry voice from jungkook, whose eyes were pining him down with authority.

the anger and pheromones radiating from jungkook was making taehyung uneasy. he freezed but kept quite for now as the alpha picked him up bridal style and walked towards their home.

everyone at the training grounds were stunned but they knew how possessive alphas can get. the rest of the omegas soothed the omega who fired the arrow since she was crying and scared.


at home both of them were still tense since the time they reached back; jungkook was currently bandaging taehyungs knee with a clean cloth and medicines.

"i told you not to wear those stupid shorts and... why you had to teach others... this is why omegas should stick to house chores.." the alpha kept on mumbling under his breath, face screwed up in anger.

every passing minute, taehyung was losing his patience. the more jungkook rambled, the more angry taehyung got.

"I will go back to practice" taehyung sternly said interrupting jungkook.

the alpha stopped his movements, gazed sternly at taehyung, eyes fashing red. "I said you are not" jungkook gritted out in frustration.

"why should i listen to you? i can make my own decisions" the omega was fuming now.

"because I am your alpha and you are my responsibility. You will obey me" he was feeling restless ever since taehyung got hurt and jungkook doesn't really want an argument over it. but his alpha wanted to make sure his omega will be safe.

taehyung withdrew his legs from jungkooks grip, standing up defensively.
"I wont. I will go tomorrow" he seethed.

"taehyung listen to me now or.." jungkook started to reason.

"Or What huh? You Will Whip Me? Lock Me Up? Burn My Pack hm? Or Rape Me? Thats What Yall Freaks Do Right? You Monster Will Do Anything To Make..." taehyung spew out, but his words halted when that scent hit him.

the anger clouding his vision withdrew just as he looked at jungkook.

rain washing over conifers. jungkooks
scent of sadness filled the room. the alpha had hurt in his eyes, shock all over his face, hands and lips quivering.

then only taehyung realised the things that tumbled out of his mouth.

"jungkook i'm-" taehyung outstretched an arm, but the alpha had already turned around leaving the room, aimlessly walking out of the house, tears obscuring his vision.

taehyung was still reeling, the pang in his chest thundering with his heartbeat.

he regretted everything. they were supposed to start over. he shouldn't have-

a sob wrecked out of him as the guilt overtook within. he fell to the bed, whimpering at the pain in his mating mark and the howl of distress of his omega.

in the spur of moment, the things he had buried deep inside him slipped out. he should have waited till the alpha calmed down.

he called his alpha a monster.

taehyung wished he could erase everything that just happened.

regret ate up every bit of him like a wildfire.


a/n: vote or i will bite you.

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