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everyone hates waking up in the morning and jungkook is no exception. his hyungs had to go to concerning extents to wake him up- seokjin used to twist his nips and yoongi more than once had to drag him off the bed.

but today was different.

maybe its coz jungkook didnt sleep much last night due to the usual overthinking or maybe its because he woke up to his mate cuddled beside him.

taehyung looked so peaceful in sleep, the usual melancholy or distress nowhere to be seen. he looked so soft with one arm thrown over jungkooks waist.

jungkook swear to god he is even breathing slow so as to not wake taehyung up and so he can savour this moment a bit more.

and now for the first time jungkook got to take in everything about the other. oh god jungkook so badly wanted to poke that cute mole on taehyungs nose.

eyes trailing over the others soft features, his eyes found the red lash marks peeking through the oversized tshirt taehyung is wearing. a sense of guilt and shame on have watched someone hurt his mate overpowered in him.

jungkook first thought that he should ask seokjin for some balm for the wounds.

but then he remembered how yoongi had once fell flat on his face and got his lips badly injured in a hunt. he had come back with half his face covered in blood, but was all healed in a day- on prodding so much his hyung had just said that jimin had healed it followed by a suggestive eyebrow wiggle from hoseok and low whistles from namjoon. apparently a mates saliva and care can heal any wounds faster.

jungkook stared long at taehyung. for once things are starting to look a bit better with them, what if he overstep and ruin everything? should he just do it? would taehyung think he is weird? what if he hate him more then?
he was all sure taehyung wont allow him to heal him if he ask.

but he is just trying to help. its jungkooks duty to take care of taehyung. he had let him down more than once, he want to make things better.

so stoping his train of thoughts jungkook snaked his arm around taehyungs waist and pulled him closer. taehyung stirred a bit in sleep but went back to sound sleep after taking a deep breath.

jungkook lifted his torso and got on top of taehyung, his thighs now on either side of the others waist. he hesitated a bit, but slowly lifted taehyung and turning him so now taehyung is lying on his stomach.

gently pulling up others tshirt till its bunched up at armpits, he then eyed the red marks going across taehyungs torso. his alpha angered up at the bruised marks on his mates once flawless skin.

jungkook braised himself on his arms and lowered, lips meeting one of the wounds on his shoulders. he put feather light kisses on the wound, his tongue peeking out to lick all along the transverse marks on the others back.

his alpha pheromones increased in the air without him even knowing, his alpha marking his omega with the scent. he noticed the way taehyungs breath quickened in response, him unconsciously baring his neck in sleep.

he licked and kissed all the bruises, and was satisfied to see the marks already faiding to pink lines. further going down, for a second jungkook hesitated a bit on what to do with the bruises on the others thighs but his alpha filled his brain, an overwhelming need to take care of his mate blooming in him.

jungkook gently pulled down taehyungs pants till his knees and proceeded to take care of the marks there. he felt content in having being able to help his mate.

in that haze he didn't notice that taehyung woke up or the way the others muscles freezed.

taehyung jolted up his angle hitting jungkooks shoulders as he scrambled away to the headboard. his sleepy mind was still comprehending what was happening.

taehyungs eyes met jungkooks red ones and a sense of fear hit him. jungkook moved closer to him, taehyung now trapped between the headboard and jungkook.

jungkook was eyeing him with so much hunger, one of his hands coming up to grip taehyungs thighs and the other hand pining taehyung to the headboard.

jungkooks eyes trailed across taehyungs tanned plush thighs. a satisfied hum vibrated off him on seeing that the lash marks have faded.

but what brought him out of his haze was a whimper of fear from taehyung. jungkook felt like he was hit with a bucket of cold water, his chest constricting in response to his mates distress.

he looked up and was met with taehyungs fear filled eyes. his eyes flew away from taehyung at the speed of light, the human side of him took over in a flash.

taehyung scrambled to pull his pants up, shaking fingers scrambling to respond. he then jolted off bed in shaking legs and ran out of door, followed by jungkook voice calling after him.

taehyung unfocused eyes noticed the front door and ran out, bare feet meeting soil after so many days. the onslaught of morning light paired with his blurred brain was too much as he fell forward, hands bracing on the ground.


jungkook was frantic. he messed up. he fucking messed up again.

jungkook saw taehyung kneeling on the ground and rushed to help him. but taehyung hissed at him, eyes filled with tears.

taehyungs mind was muddled with thoughts. why did jungkook touch him again without consent. maybe jungkook can never be nice? was he trying to lure him by acting nice yesterday? jungkook is a jeon afterall. he will surely be a monster.

with shaking legs he tried to get away from jungkook. right then taehyung found himself in another persons warm embrace, his heartbeat slowing down instead of panicking in the soothing pheromones enveloping him. his hazy mind noticed it was an omegas, the scent of one of his own felt a bit safe.

jungkook helplessly watched as seokjin embraced taehyung and the way the other was hiccuping and crying. seokjin kept on murmuring assurances and rocking taehyung gently till he somewhat calmed down and jungkook stood by a distance not to scare taehyung again.

taehyung felt a bit clear, but the anxiety was still edging his brain. he could now see that the other omega was the same one who brought him food yesterday.

"can we move to inside taehyung?" seokjin asked gently not to make the other uncomfortable.

still scared taehyung threw a fit again uttering frantic "no" and shaking his head, almost pleading.

"its okay taehyung. then we wont go in" seokjin quickly assured.

"how about we go to my home?" seokjin carefully asked. taehyung stilled and stared long at the other. feeling too drained out and wanting to get away from jungkook, taehyung nodded his head.

seokjin watched the way jungkook became unsettled at that. afterall they were newly mated and the alpha would be protective.

seokjin didnt know what happened between the mates, but he knew right now taehyung needs sometime away from here.

so after sending a look and an assuring nod towards jungkook, seokjin helped taehyung up holding the other by the arm and guided him away from jungkooks home.

jungkook watched heart empty as taehyung went with seokjin not even sparing him a glance.


a/n : i will be updating the story only once a week from now on as my classes started.

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