24. COSY

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the next morning jungkook had woke up with the feel of soft hair tickling his chin and a warm body pressed to his side.

even before he had opened his eyes, the alpha smiled in half sleep, nuzzling into the soft mop of hair and breathing in the jasmine scent.

the gentle purr of the omega reverberated against his chest and warmth bloomed inside him like the first ray of sunlight on frozen ice.

taehyung floating in between sleep and consciousness drapped his arm around the alphas waist and mumbled a "good morning" against the skin of his bare chest.

jungkooks hand caressed the skin of taehyungs thighs under the oversized tshirt, soothingly massaging over the numerous hickeys littered there.

" 'morning love" the alpha had mumbled dropping a kiss to the others forehead.

as much as both of them would like to stay in each others embrace like this forever, they had their own responsibilities and they were pretty sure jungkook is already late.

so reluctantly both of them got out of the bed with taehyung pouting, which the alpha quickly kissed away.

they brushed their teeth together in the bathroom; taehyung slightly leaning against jungkook, craving for every little contact.

later taehyung had shyly said how he had bought a few things from the cloth store and its need to be paid.

the alpha blinked once. twice.

"is that where you bought the robe?" jungkook zoned out, glimpses of previous night popping up in his brain.

"yea-" taehyung had blushed.

"you should buy more" jungkook had quickly added, pulling the omega close to him.

"you looked ravishing yesterday, love" jungkooks voice dropped an octave.

taehyung shivered in his hold, biting his lip and looking up at the alpha.

"i will think about it" taehyung whispered, a finger gliding up and down the alphas chest, a slight smirk playing on his lips.

he felt a rumble against his palm and in a blink he was pushed back against the wall, strong hands caging him and firm lips against his own.

taehyung moaned into the kiss, tilting his head and kissing back with equal fervor. jungkook tasted of mint and cedar, just so addicting.

jungkook pulled back, the others lips still caught between his teeth before letting it go, watching the way it turned red and swollen.

they still lingered there, scenting and pecking each other before reluctantly parted; both making and having breakfast and jungkook left to the pack house.


later around noon, taehyung took his usual stroll around the pack. he really wanted to visit the training grounds and decided to do it today.

the training grounds of jeon pack were vast and well equipped. he watched the alphas and betas combat in wonder; some were taking laps around the grounds, others doing sword fight and some practicing archery.

taehyungs face lit up at that. his hands were itching to hold a bow and arrow again and he so badly wanted to practice before he gets out of shape.

excitedly he jogged towards the ground.

just as taehyung set foot on the training area, all eyes turned to him. even the alphas in sword combat frozed on spot, everyone looked at taehyung in question.

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