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the two newly declared soulmates walked in the front, alpha jungkook accompanying them to namjoons house.

well it was not as peaceful as it sounds.

jimin sighed for the nth time after jungkook growled at a beta who walked too close to taehyung for jungkooks liking.

taehyung just continued to pretend like he is clueless, while the truth is each growl and the alpha pheromones accompanied by it is all too thrilling for him.

they reached at namjoons too fast in jungkooks opinion, who was basking at being able to be near taehyung after the excruciating separation.

taehyung went practically running into namjoons house, getting into his room and slamming the door shut, breathing in a lungful of air and calming his heart.

jungkook almost pouted that his mate didn't even said a "bye". but he was brought back to reality by a whack from jimin right to his head.
he quickly turned around to face the small omega now full on glaring at him.

"yah jungkook!! why haven't you apologized to him idiot" jimin said arms crossing infront of him.

jungkook huffed averting his gaze.

"i know what you did." jimin said accusingly, eyes narrowing.
"even if its healing, cant your alpha head have enough common sense to not do something like that without consent" he continued arms thrown into the air exasperated.

jungkooks jaws locked, a growl reverberating in his chest.

"wait till i tell this to yoongi hyung" jimin stomped turning to leave.

jungkooks whole demeanor crumpled.
"no jimin hyung. dont tell anyone" the alpha ran after jimin blocking him.
"he looks like an oversized puppy" jimin thinks.

"i wont.." jimin started and jungkook relaxed.

"...only if you apologize and explain everything to taehyungie" he finished. jungkook looked uncertain; for a moment jimin thought the other is pouting, a hint of that little jungkook somewhere in that face.

"jungkook ah... make it a bit easy for taehyung. he has gone through a lot already." the omega said eyes softening.

jungkook gulped "i know hyung, i'm trying. i will make it upto him." jungkook said sincerely, quite determined.

jimin smiled ruffling the alphas hair.


the week passed quite uneventfully for taehyung.

the only exciting part of the day is the gifts jungkook leave by namjoons door everyday.

seokjin was the first one who noticed it the first morning after both the mates had met. he almost tripped over the bamboo basket, haven't not noticed it hurrying on his way to infirmary.

the scent was clear enough to signal that the gifts were for taehyung.

the first two days seokjin had taken the gifts to taehyungs room throwing wink and eyebrow raises that had taehyung playfully rolling his eyes.

from the next day taehyung took it upon himself to take the gifts though he never caught the alpha.

within that mere 5 days the table in his room was filled with flowers, pretty stones, bracelets, earrings, clothes of different fabric and colors, more flowers. its an understatement to say taehyung is overwhelmed.

at the night, lost in his own thoughts taehyung asks himself why he accepts the courting gifts. he amuses at how ridicule this "courting" even is considering they are already mated.
moreover he wonders why jungkook still hasnt gave an explanation or tried to coax him back to home.

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