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another alphas hand on his mate.

with an ear shattering growl, sharp canines bared, eyes blazing red, jungkook jumped at the rogue.

the rogue alpha was slow in his movements; jungkooks massive black wolf collided with the grey wolf in mid shift.

the impact had them landing meters away, collecting debris on their furs as both bite and snarled at each other.

the air around thickened with pheromones and growls.

jungkooks sharp claws pierced into others thighs, that had the rogue howling in pain. blood oozed out of the wound mixing with the dirty grey fur.

not even a second sparing, jungkooks attacks were quick and precise, further boiled with anger and revenge.

his sharp canines sank into the rogues neck, blood spraying out with the tear of flesh.

by this time the rogue had understood that he has no way defeating this alpha. the sheer dominance oozing out of him had the rogue even letting out a whine of surrender.

but no.

jungkook is not going to spare his life. with one jerk of his jaw and a sickening crack, the neck of the grey wolf dislocated.

the rogue wolfs lifeless body fell into the forest floor, matted in blood looking disgusting as ever.

blood still trickling down the jaw and eyes hooded with anger, he searched for the other two rogues only to see them missing.

another angry growl and he was about to hunt them down when a mewl reached his ears.

jungkooks red eyes zeroed in on the form of his mate shivering on the floor.


the forest then ringed with multiple howls. its hoseok and yoongi. they had caught the other two rogue alphas.

jungkooks wolf howled back a response "kill them".

his bones rearranged as jungkook shifted back to human form. he rushed to the curled up form, momentarily forgetting all the anger.

jungkook scooped taehyung into his arm; taehyung feeling so limb and fragile.

shallow breath of air was leaving him, his hands clawed at jungkooks body for support, for the warmth, to feel safe again.

half of his face matted in blood and not even bothered about his nudity, jungkook held taehyung close as if he fears the other will disappear.

"breathe for me love. im here" jungkook rocked him in his hold.

jungkook know the signs. he knows taehyung was subjected to alpha voice. god he cant imagine how awful taehyung might be feeling now.

how he wished he could bring the mutt who hurt his mate back to life and kill him again.

"a-alpha" a barely there voice spoke.

jungkook looked down at taehyung, whose head was now resting on his chest.

blue kept on fading in and out of taehyungs eyes; his omega disconnected and in pain, still under the effect of alpha voice.

"yes love. you're safe. no one will hurt you." jungkook emitted his pheromones to calm taehyung.

"i-im sorry a-alpha. im s-sorry i left" taehyung hiccupped, face stained with tears and dirt.

"shh its okay" jungkook kissed the crown of the omegas blonde hair hugging him further close to his chest. his alpha was in distress to see taehyung in so much pain again.

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