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they say 'dont love what you cant trust'.

but people who said that might have never been in jungkooks place.

he knows he cant trust taehyung. but what can he do? he just cant help but fall for taehyung. jungkook might have first thought its just a mere infatuation, but deep inside he knows it is a sprout of love.

jungkook sometimes wonders if taehyung feels the same about him. but thats not possible. the other might be still feeling like a prisoner in here.

eventhough that love part is still not there, its plain truth that taehyung finds jungkook attractive. as right now when the other was so responsive and vulnerable for him.

jungkook thinks they can progress from there.

he waited till taehyungs breath evened out. his own erection was painfully hard in his pants but right now thats not important.

meanwhile taehyung had shame running hot through him when he realized what he just did. this was not what he was supposed to do right? what happened to all the escape plans?!

cheeks tinting rose in shame taehyung stayed still in jungkooks lap, head swimming in the others scent. he had half a mind to help jungkook with his little problem, but he cant even bear to look at the other right now.

yes jungkook made kim taehyung all shy.

jungkook didn't comment on it not wanting to make the other uncomfortable.

he unwrapped the other off him, carefully holding the others torso while the other hand went under and lifted his legs. carrying him bridal style jungkook went straight to his room, taehyung squeaking a bit and his hands slightly covering his face, round puppy eyes peaking through them. jungkook just couldn't stop the smile that spread on his face.

taehyung thinks that smile was adorable. he cant believe the jeon jungkook could be adorable too.

taehyung soon got distracted when jungkook carried him to a bedroom. he knew the room where he cooped in wasnt jungkooks by the lack of others scent there.

just as they passed the bedroon door an overpowering smell of cedar enveloped him. still in his post orgasm bliss, taehyung basked in it. it felt like he belonged in there.

jungkook placed the other lightly on bed and muttered a quick "stay here" before trudging to the attached bathroom.

taehyung too tired to do anything relaxed into the softness of bed enjoying the way the scent mingled with his own, all the while grimacing at the stickiness in his pants.

after entering the bathroom jungkook quickly drew a bath for his mate. too frustrated having to leave taehyung even for abit he was about to return to him, when he again painfully became aware of the obvious erection.

jungkook might have took a bit long to get out of the bathroom. he might have jacked off to the thought of soft thighs, plump ass and the scent of jasmine on him. but no one has to know that.

jungkook took a minute to admire the sight of taehyung snuggled in his bed, the urge in him to take care of his mate increased at the sight.

suddenly a bit shy and self consious, jungkook took some time figuring out how to get the others attention.

at the end he awkwardly cleared his thought. taehyung opened his eyes easily finding jungkook.

"t-the bath is ready" jungkook slightly cringed at the way he stuttered. but cant blame him for it when the other is looking at him with those puppy eyes and an adorable pout.

to cover that embarrassment jungkook quickly and easily lifted taehyung off the bed like before. taehyung abit unexpecting that gripped jungkooks biceps for support, quickly scolding himself mentally for the unnecessary thoughts that came with it.

jungkook supported him by an arm to stand after reaching the bathroom and taehyung stood their awkwardly looking at the floor.

seeing that taehyung is not gonna move jungkook said,
"you should undress. i will help with the bath"

all the blood rushing to his face taehyung turned to a tomato. willing himself to look up, he squeaked out an
"um you should turn around".

jungkook rolled his eyes with a husky laugh but complied.

taehyung peeled off all his clothes and got into the bath making sure water reaches up covering his chest.

jungkook only turned around after hearing the water splashes.
he then lathered the loofah with soap and handed it over to taehyung, helped him wash his hair and stood outside while he dried off.

taehyung came outside a few minutes later, the fluffy towel wrapped around him reaching up above his upper thigh and covering his chest, hands tightly gripping it looking unsure.

jungkook willed himself to not stare too much at taehyungs thighs and handed him one of his own tshirt and pants and busied himself awkwardly with the things on cupboard as the other changed into those.

when he heard a shuffling jungkook turned around and saw taehyung looking at something on the table. he walked closer and saw the other looking so curiously at one of jungkooks baby pic he kept there.

taehyung saw the chubby cheeks, bunny smile and wide doe eyes of little jungkook.

"aw you're so cute" he said under his breath.

something in jungkook felt so content at that- he doesn't know if its coz the other looks so good in his clothes or coz of other cooing at his pic.

eyes watching the other lovingly jungkook whispered "you can sleep here if you want... with me"

in that question jungkook left a gap for taehyung to say "no" in case he is uncomfortable with it. but secretly he hoped the other would stay.

taehyung stared at jungkooks face for a few seconds, jungkook doubting what he said through every bit of it.

then taehyung wordlessly turned and laid on jungkooks bed snuggling into it. jungkook watched contentedly and admired the way taehyung look so angelic snuggled in those white sheets, in his bed.

jungkook took off his tshirt opting to leave the pants on for his and taehyungs sake, and climbed onto bed after turning off the lamp lights.

jungkook covered his and taehyungs body with the blanket, both of them facing each other. he watched the other mesmerized- taehyungs face looked so soft in the dim light.

"you know that i will try to leave right?"
taehyung murmured breaking that silence.

jungkook smiled.

"i know"

"but i can always try to change your mind"

jungkook replied.


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