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his own heart frantically beating inside him, taehyung trudged through dodging the trees around, paws jumping through obstacles.

he could see the black wolf in his periphery trailing alongside him, not attacking but still as if mocking because taehyung was more than sure the son of jeon alpha can pounce on him in any moment he want.

taehyung should have waited it out a bit longer.


forced to walk after their short rest, taehyung had managed to sneak off and run when jeon warriors seperated; the pack alpha along with half of them shifting and going ahead in wolf forms.

the rest under his son staying behind, to bring along the weapons and guard taehyung.

But now almost running out of breath taehyung thinks he shouldn't have tried to outsmart the alphas.

the musk of cedar closed in on taehyung quicker and quicker and with a growl that had taehyungs blonde wolf shivering, jungkook planted himself right infront of the omega.

gaze intense and short rumbles vibrating of his chest jungkook zeroed in on taehyung, the alpha pheromones high in the air.
Taehyungs omega whined and before his rational side can think, his wolf fell to the ground submitting to the alpha.

shivers wracked through his body as he felt a wet snout nosing along the underside of his belly, a pleased rumble coming of the other in response to the omegas act of submission.

taehyung was in a daze, his wolf preening in the alpha scent.

eyes hooded neck baring, small whines slipping out of him, the omegas own scent poured out of his scent glands- the smell of jasmine mingling with the cedar.

the alpha was quick to notice the smell of jasmine blooms, very much liking the scent after all the distress scents faded away from the omega.

another low growl rose. more like a command to shift and surrender.

nothing more than wanting to please the alpha, the omega shifted without a second thought. the sounds of bones shifting echoed through the dense forest, both of them no longer in wolf form.


taehyung layed there on forest ground neck bared, naked and vulnerable, lungs filled with the scent of jungkook. Never had he felt so content, feeling safe in the enemies hands.

trapped between the alphas strong hands, his very naked and strong body hovering over him, taehyung could feel his omega yapping in happiness emitting more pheromones in hope of wooing the strong alpha.

jungkook is so used to betas and omegas throwing themselves at him and having such a beautiful and fierce one, that too an enemy under submission made his alpha satisfied and smug. forbidden fruit is always the sweetest.

he nosed along the omegas jaw reaching his scent glands, a curious tongue peeking out and licking- jungkook relishing the way the omega shuddered under him. the scent of sweet jasmine suddenly increased in the air, jungkook smirking in response.

just then, jungkook completely withdrawed from the other and stood up. the omega whining and seeking out the alphas warmth for the fear of getting rejected.

the more the alpha pheromones around him cleared, the more taehyungs human side became aware of his surroundings.
hooded sultry eyes suddenly becoming soccer wide taehyung realised the events a few moments ago happened.

shame getting to him, his face blazing hot taehyung moved his frozen limbs a little, mortification settled on him on realising the wetness between his legs.

that shame turned into anger in seconds, taehyung jolting up covering his nakedness with his hands and meeting jungkooks eyes dead on.

the alpha still in all his naked glory smirked down at taehyung while the omega curled on himself as much as he can in fear of the alphas gaze travelling anywhere south.


a robe was unceremoniously throwed onto taehyungs face. The omega wore it without much protest having lost his own clothes on the run.

"the next time you dare even think of escaping, i will have your legs broken and have you dragged all the way to our pack." jungkooks gravelly voice said under his breath dragging the omega by hand.

taehyung glared onto the ground.


"ah there he is. we thought the omega had pinned down our jungkookie somewhere" snickers followed as jungkook dragged the omega to where the other pack warriors were resting.

jungkook threw a glare not at all threatening and proceeded to take a rope and tie taehyungs hand to the cart carrying their necessities.

they travelled nonstop after, even through the cold night. Taehyung wished he hadnt tried to escape, the thin fabric of the robe jungkook gave him not at all warm.

by the time the sun rose high up in the sky next day, taehyung smelled the foreign scent of jeon pack territories.

his omega has gotten restless being on another pack territory no longer feeling safe.

the terrain remained somewhat similar but this more close to the mountains, the area lush green and surely fertile than his pack.

not long after they reached the pack settlement, bigger houses came into view. The pack was already assembled with the pack alpha who had gotten earlier and with the elders anticipating their arrival.

taehyung's heartbeats got erratic as he went forward and ahead with each pull of the cart.

cheers welcoming their warrors echoed as everyone of jeon pack gathered around, taehyung noticing their huge number.

most of them threw insults and glares taehyungs way, he nothing more than their prisoner in these grounds.

jungkook walked ahead and kneeled, hand to his heart as he showed respect to his father and elders, the cheerings getting louder. Soon he stood up and joined his fathers side.

taehyung could barely focus on anything; frantic and helpless.

the rope tied to his hand was ripped off from the cart and he was dragged by the rope, forced to kneel infront of the whole assembly.

his knees hitting the ground, taehyung tried desperately to keep the panic at bay.

what waiting ahead scared him.

taehyung turned a deaf ear to the congratulatory speech the pack alpha gave and to the insults thrown towards his pack.

"and now the omega" taehyungs squeezed his tied hands between his thighs.

"have him cleaned up and we will decide what to do with him and the punishment for his pathetic packs' actions over the celebratory dinner". the pack alpha concluded.

taehyung just kept his eyes closed as someone dragged him off the pack grounds.


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