Chapter 11-Catra

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When Scorpia finally lets me down, I feel lighter. Talking to her and getting to apologize for the horrible way I treated her makes me feel so much better. I still think she forgave me too easily, though, just like Adora: it must be a sort of 'princess' thing, I guess. But it doesn't matter, because I'll make it up to Scorpia too. I owe her.

"Let's go back inside" I tell her, smiling. "I'm not done with that chocolate milk"

"Me neither! I was just getting started!" she replies, grinning.

We get back inside and return to our seats. I can't believe I find Adora and Arrow Boy still discussing whether chocolate is actually toxic for me.

"Yeah, I know she said she'll be fine" Adora is whispering in his ear, hoping I won't hear her. What a dumbhead, she should know my hearing is actually feline. "But what if she's saying that just to get more milk? That's something she would do!"

"Is it?" I ask, approaching her.

She gulps and turns to look at me with the dumbest innocent smile ever. "Heeeeeey" she exclaims. "That's, uh, that's not what I meant, I was, you know, just thinking..."

"That's your problem, Adora" I mock her. "Thinking"

She snorts and pouts, looking somewhere between offended and angry. Sparkles bursts out laughing, though. I like that she's always on my side about teasing Adora.

I take my seat, Scorpia next to me, and return to my terrific milk, hoping they'll let me drink in peace.

"So, what's our plan for today?" asks Bow.

"You guys can't go five minutes without planning something, can you?" I comment, sipping loudly.

"Eh eh eh" Bow chuckles, running his hand through his hair. "That's just how we are"

"I actually have an idea" says Sparkles, looking radiant. "I think we totally deserve a day off, before starting to plan anything else. So why don't we go to Mystacor? I bet Catra would love the thermal baths"

"The what?" I ask, raising my eyebrow. I have no idea what she's talking about.

"Yeah, those are pretty cool!" Adora agrees, looking at me with excitement. "It's like a small, round pool filled with hot water and⸺"

"Water??" I shriek, my tail puffing up. "No way, forget it"

"Oh, come on" Adora begs me. "I had doubts too at first, but I assure you it really feels good! Especially if you're next to someone. Like, last time Glimmer was leaning against me and we⸺"

Adora suddenly freezes, widening her eyes. She must have noticed the fierce look of my face. "And you what?" I encourage her to continue, acting perfectly calm but raging inside.

Sparkles and Arrow Boy are doing their best not to laugh, but I ignore them and keep my intimidating eyes on Adora, who is starting to sweat.

"Uhm, nothing, we..." she mumbles, trying not to look at me. "We were just, you know, chilling..."

"Zero feet apart" adds Sparkles with a cough.

"Yeah, I mean no, well..." Adora looks so hopeless I almost pity her. "Whatever, we were just relaxing ah ah" Quite a nervous laughter. I wag my tail up and down, unable to control it, and narrow my eyes even more. Adora gulps.

"Sooooo" Scorpia barges in. "This place seems pretty cool! How can we get there?"

"Good question!" immediately answers Adora, looking extremely relieved to change the subject. "It's super easy. Glimmer can teleport us on the cliff right above the clouds and from there all we have to do is jump. Then we'll land on a sort of flying rock that will take us right there"

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