Chapter 24-Adora

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When we teleport to Hordak's lab, we find Entrapta typing crazily fast with both her fingers and her hair on her computer's keyboard, connected to Hordak's through a long, white cable.

"You're here!" she squeaks without even bothering to turn her head. "I already told Glimmer, I found something!"

"Something?" asks Catra, tilting her head. "Like what?"

"I connected my computer to Hordak's in order to transfer all his files into my hard disk so that I could have all the analysis I need to proceed with the study of the electromagnetic field, since Hordak and I had been working on it and also ran a couple of tests whose results will help me narrow the search⸺"

"Entrapta, please, get to the point!" Glimmer interrupts her.

"Fine, fine!" she exclaims. "The point is that I found a hidden folder in Hordak's computer: I had never seen it before, and he never told me about it. It was heavily protected by a series of passwords, but I managed to hack into the folder in no time, eheh!"

"A hidden folder?" I murmur, furrowing my brow. "What was in it?"

"Coordinates!" she cries, excited. "Secret coordinates! And the coding is so unusual, I had never seen it before! It's like, they transform!"

"What do you mean, transform?"

"They change!" Entrapta yells, clenching her firsts with a wild smile. "I opened the folder once and I got a series of numbers and letters and other strange symbols, then I reopened it a couple of minutes later and that sequence was different! Which means, I am sure about two things, for now"

"What would those be?" I ask, puzzled.

"First: these coordinates are not about a place in Etheria. My computer didn't recognize the coding, so they must be indicating somewhere else. This leads us to my second intuition: these coordinates mark a place in SPACE and, although I'm not a hundred percent sure about this, I think that this place moves, relentlessly! That would explain why the coordinates change! They must be linked to that place, or whatever that is, and follow its movements in space!"

"Entrapta, wait" I interrupt her, getting more and more confused. "I don't understand. Why are we talking about this? Why should these changing coordinates concern us?"

"Because" she exclaims in a captivating voice, "I managed to upload these coordinates on Hordak's space radar and by analyzing a combination of ten different sequences and visualizing them on the digital space map, I found out the plausible trajectory of that moving place, which led me to understand that..." she pauses for dramatic effect, widening her eyes, "...whatever this thing is, it's coming right towards Etheria"

"W-what?" I gasp, frowning. "Are you sure?"

"Definitely" she nods with enthusiasm. "And according to my calculations, if this thing keeps moving at a constant speed, it will reach Etheria in a matter of days. Maybe two, probably three"

I hear Catra's accelerated breath and I turn to look at her: she's looking down, frowning, clearly upset.

"Hey, it's okay" I try to reassure her, taking her hand. "We don't even know what it is, maybe it's not bad"

"But still, we'd better be ready" says Glimmer, crossing her arms. "And most importantly, we need to go back and talk to Hordak. Why were these coordinates hidden? He must be plotting something, I knew it!"

"I don't think so" Entrapta replies, scratching the back of her head with a tuft of hair. "Maybe he was hiding it for other reasons. Can I... can I talk to him? I mean, not alone, of course" she looks away and blushes. "With you guys too, of course"

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