Chapter 20-Bow

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We're all in the meeting room, carefully listening to Adora as she tells everyone what happened with Razz. When she gets to the point where she explains that Angella is alive, King Micah turns to look at Glimmer, sitting right next to him, with tears in his eyes. I feel so happy at the idea that he might be able to see the love of his life again that I suddenly realize how lucky I am to have Glimmer right by my side, so I take her hand and hold it under the table.

When Adora finally finishes her speech, she looks at Glimmer from across the table and says: "I have proof that Razz was not just raving. Glimmer, show them the earrings" Glimmer opens her hand and lays the earrings on the table. Micah gasps at the sight of them.

"They're really hers!" he exclaims, his voice filled with emotion. "I... I can't believe it... my Angella..."

Entrapta suddenly jumps on her feet, looking wildly excited. "OF COURSE!" she cries. "How could I not think about it? She travels between dimensions against her will, helplessly responding to the alterations of magnetic fields occurring incessantly and simultaneously in the maze of possible realities! When she closed the portal her connection to the gravity field of our world was severed, turning her into a multi-dimensional wanderer at the mercy of ripples in the space-time continuum! That is amazing!"

I can literally see the confusion in everybody's looks right now. I know my way around science, but I could hardly follow Entrapta on this one.

"Uuuuh, can you translate that?" asks Mermista, tilting her head.

"What I mean" Entrapta explains, "is that we have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that if Angella is not stuck in a specific, non-dimensional reality, then there is no way we can bring her back into one single dimension. Closing the portal compromised her ability to stay grounded in a specific dimension for long, I'm afraid. If she had been stuck in just one place, as we thought, I could have come up with something that would draw her into our dimension, but since she is constantly shifting..." she sighs, scratching her left arm with a tuft of lilac hair. "I'm afraid there is nothing we can do to fix that, just like there is nothing to do with Razz. Once your body loses its connection to a single dimension, there is no way to restore it, you'll be a space-time traveler forever"

I turn to look at Glimmer, but her eyes are fixed on Angella's earrings. I feel my heart sinking at the thought of Angella endlessly traveling between dimensions. Maybe Glimmer was right, maybe hope wasn't what we needed right now.

"But, there's some good news too" Entrapta exclaims, smiling. "Now that we know that Angella is actually able to reach our dimension occasionally, I guarantee you we will be able to establish contact, without any portal! Just some pretty advanced science. If you let me work on this, I can find a way to get you to talk to her!"

"Are you serious?" I ask her, amazed. "How?"

"I have some ideas, but I'm gonna need Hordak's help, I can't do this alone" she looks at Glimmer with an uncertain expression. "He can really help me... help us with this, if you just give him a chance"

"I..." murmurs Glimmer, hesitant. "I don't know..."

"I got this" I exclaim, determined. "Glimmer, let them work together. I will be with them, the whole time. I will make sure Hordak doesn't try anything and, at the same time, I will do my best to help Entrapta with whatever she needs. I'm sure she could use an extra pair of hands. After all, I'm the Rebellion's tech master" I wink at Glimmer, trying to infuse her with courage. "Trust me, we can do this"

She looks at me in silence for a couple of seconds, then, at last, she smiles and squeezes my hand under the table. "Okay, Bow. I trust you. Let's try this"

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