Chapter 28-Adora

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Melog's licks on my face wake me up from a deep, relaxing sleep. They start purring, happy to see I'm awake. Catra is waking up too: she's curled up against me, her head resting on my breast, her tail wrapped around my legs. She's groaning, but her eyes are still closed.

"Hey, time to wake up" I tell her, starting to caress her hair.

"Mmmmmh" she grunts, clearly disapproving.

"Come on" I insist, lowering my lips to kiss her on the head. Melog gives me some backup, intensifying their purring while head bumping her.

"Yeah, yeah, okay" she grunts, slowly opening her eyes. "I'm awake, I'm awake" She starts petting Melog, lazily, barely moving her arm.

I sit up, forcing Catra to leave my chest.

"Hey, that wasn't nice!" she grunts.

"Sorry, it's the only way to get you out of bed" I reply, getting up.

"Wanna know what's the only way to make you stay in bed?" She hugs me from behind before I can step away from the bed, blocking me. "This" She starts purring in my ear, making my entire body melt in a matter of seconds.

"Catra, please..." I sigh, smiling. "We need to go"

"I just want you to relax a little bit more before we go back out there"

Yeah, 'out there'. She means going back to making plans to defend our planet against another intergalactic threat: my people. My heart aches whenever I think about it, and I've been thinking a lot about it. Whatever happens, I know it's not going to be easy. But Razz told me She-Ra was chosen by Etheria, not created by the First Ones, which means... maybe they do have a secret weapon to knock me down, but I have the magic of the planet on my side. This must count for something. At least... I hope so.

I really wish I could stay in bed with Catra, forgetting about all my problems, but there is no time to waste. Entrapta said they might arrive even tomorrow. We're not sure how much time we have left, but, in doubt, we'd better hurry.

"We'll relax tonight, when we go back to bed, I promise" I tell Catra, gently breaking free from her hug. "Now we'd better go"

"Fine, fine" she grunts, shrugging. "As you wish, princess"

I laugh and start taking off my pajamas. I'm trying to be less shy about it, since... well, since we're getting used to seeing each other's bodies. I quickly tie my hair up and get dressed, enjoying the sensation of wearing a new jacket. Guess I should have changed it earlier, uh. When I see Catra wrapping what is left of my red jacket around her arm, it kind of warms my heart. A lot. It's like we're connected, or something. It's not like we need to wear matching clothes to be a couple, but... I don't know, it just feels right. I just love it. Plus, I can't deny she looks amazing in her long, fingerless gloves.

I run my fingers on my shaved hair, still not used to it: actually, I'm not even used to my new reflection in the mirror. Judging by the look on the other princesses' faces when they saw me yesterday, though, I'd say it's pretty cool.

"You ready?" says Catra, moving closer. She takes my hand and gives me an encouraging smile. It's not going to be an easy day, but she's right here next to me, and I don't really need more than that.

"Yeah, let's go"

We spent the morning in the meeting room, again. Entrapta, Bow and Hordak regularly called us on the tracker pad, updating us on their progress. Not that they've made much progress, actually. Entrapta helped Bow creating some arrows and other types of weapons, while Hordak was working on a magnetic field that might, just might, help us neutralize some of First Ones tech. At least, this is what I understood. It's not easy to decipher Entrapta's language, especially via tracker pad.

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