Chapter 21-Catra

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Adora, Entrapta, and I are waiting for Sparkles in the meeting room, and since it's just the three of us, I decide to take the opportunity to ask Entrapta a few frank questions.

"So, are you sure your idea is going to work?" I tell her. "Or is it going to be just another dangerous experiment?"

"No danger at all!" she squeaks. "I know exactly how to create a safe alteration of the magnetic field, I've been studying all the possible side effects for years! I just need to figure out how to create a dimensional warp that will not suck the rest of the planet into it!"

"WHAT?" I shriek.

"Oh, it sounds more dangerous than it really is" she smiles, trying to reassure me, without much success. "Hordak and I have been working on this kind of tests, we know how to handle any imbalances. That's why we wouldn't have opened that portal in the first place, we knew it was dangerous! And so did you! But you see, that's the difference: no offense, Catra, but you are not a scientist, so you couldn't know what would have happened for sure. Tech should only be handled by scientists, otherwise, it does get dangerous. But right now, you should trust me. Being a scientist is about knowing the risks and find a way to work around them, and that's exactly what I'll do! I promise I won't put any of us in danger, you have my word"

I take a deep breath, trying to push aside my doubts. I'm in no position to distrust Entrapta, actually: I was the one who lied to her and manipulated her in the first place, and then I betrayed her and sent her to die rather than listening to her warnings about the portal. I'd better start making it up to her, and maybe trusting her with this is a good start.

"Fine" I sigh, finally. "Just... keep an eye on Hordak, 'kay? I know you... like him, or whatever, but just be careful, please"

"That's why Bow will be there" Adora says. "I'm sure it will be fine, Catra"

She places her hand on my shoulder, something she does every time she wants to reassure me, and for some reason it always works. I smile at her, feeling lighter after the talk we had in Sparkles's room. I mean, the talk and that kiss. That kiss blew my mind. Perfuma forgot to mention that another way to deal with your problems is getting kissed hard by your girlfriend, I guess. My girlfriend...

"So, what are we going to do when we get to the Fright Zone?" Adora asks me.

"I need to find Lonnie, Kyle and Rogelio" I tell her. "I owe them an apology. I treated them so bad, you have no idea..."

"Well, I should probably apologize too" she murmurs, thoughtful. "They were my friends too and I didn't think twice about fighting them. I would really like to make it up to them, if they give me the chance"

"You know Lonnie" I chuckle. "It's not gonna be that easy with her"

Our conversation is interrupted by Sparkles's sudden appearance. I notice she has switched her previous earring with one of her mother's. I wonder where's the other one.

"Are you guys ready to go?" she asks us.

The three of us exchange a quick look and nod. "Let's go"

When we teleport in the Fright Zone, at first I seriously think Sparkles has taken us to the wrong place: we're standing on a smooth, green carpet of grass, and the metal buildings are all covered in vines and all kinds of vegetation. The air is clean, fresh, even scented. I can barely recognize the once dark, smoky, creepy Fright Zone.

"Can you believe it?" Adora murmurs in awe. "We did this"

"You did this, dummy" I tell her softly, caressing her arm.

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