Chapter 23-Catra

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It's not like I'm nervous about taking a shower with Adora. I mean, I'm not a big fan of water, either, but after that trip to Mystacor, I'm starting to appreciate it more. Anyway, it's too late to back down, I was the one who suggested it, after all. But still... when Adora turns on the water faucet my heart starts pounding like crazy. It's not like we haven't seen each other naked before. In fact, we even used to shower together when we were toddlers, at least until Shadow Weaver found it out and forbade us to do that again. I couldn't understand why, it just felt so natural to me. But as we grew up, I started to get it. I started feeling butterflies in my stomach whenever Adora got changed in the locker room, or when she held me tight on freezing nights because she was so cold and my half-feline body temperature kept her warm. I wonder how is it possible that she didn't notice I had feelings for her. To me, it was almost impossible to hide it.

"Okay, the water is hot enough" she says, bringing me back to the present. "Let's make this quick. You get in first, I'll get some towels"

Before I can even reply, she walks away, leaving me alone. I take a deep breath and start to undress, slowly. I leave all my clothes on a stool nearby and then I get inside the shower box, closing the thin, white curtain behind me. There are no walls between the different shower boxes, just curtains. There was no such thing as privacy in the Fright Zone. Anyone could open the curtains at any time. Kyle got that a lot. My bad, I was usually the one who pranked him.

I feel my whole body relaxing when the hot water starts streaming down my curves. I let out a growl of pleasure, running my hands through my hair. Sometimes I forget it's so short. It used to take me ages to shower, untangling all the knots in my long, voluminous hair. And now... it feels so strange.

"Hey you in there?" asks Adora suddenly, making me flinch. "I got the towels. I'm coming in, 'kay?"

"S-sure" I stutter, blushing. Geez, get a hold of yourself, Catra. It's just Adora. Naked... in a shower... with her brand-new hairstyle... and an eyebrow slit... oh god this was a terrible idea.

When I hear the curtain sliding, I instinctively turn my back, facing the wall, as my tail wraps around my legs, as if it could cover my nudity. Okay, you got this. Just turn around... just...

The sudden touch of Adora's arms around me takes me by surprise, causing all my fur to puff up.

"Hey, relax" she chuckles, warmly. "It's just me" She holds me from behind and rests her head on my shoulder, letting out a relieved sigh. Feeling her naked body against mine is enough to shake off all my anxiety. I close my eyes and start to purr, loudly, bathing in this peaceful moment. Sorry, Shadow Weaver. You're not gonna ruin it this time.

We stand in silence for some time, letting the running water be the only sound around us. Then Adora starts scratching behind my ears, gentle strokes at first, but then increasing the pressure more and more, sending shivers down my spine.

"Enjoying this?" she whispers.

"You bet" I chuckle, unable to control my purring, which keeps on growing louder. Yep, water is definitely not so bad when Adora is around.

"We'd better hurry, though" she says. "We can't stay in here forever"

"Can't we?"

She chuckles and pulls my shoulder gently to make me turn towards her. "Nope, but I wish we could"

I try not to check her out, now that she's standing naked right in front of me, her hair down her shoulders. But it's really difficult to stop myself from staring. She's beautiful.

She leans over to give me a tender kiss on the forehead, then she takes the bar of soap, rubs her hands against it until they become foamy, and smiles at me, raising the slitted eyebrow. "Come on, we don't have all day" She hands me the soap and starts rubbing her hands all over her body, washing away what is left of the hair I cut.

Even though I'm starting to like water, I still hate soap. It's just so... slimy, I hardly ever use it. It's not like I need it, anyway. Hot water works just fine.

"Come on, Catra" says Adora, reading my mind. "Don't make me do it for you"

"I'm perfectly clean without it" I protest.

"No, you're not"

"Yes, I am"

"No, you're not!"

"YES, I am!"

"NO, YOU⸺"

"Are you two finished?" grunts a voice coming from outside the shower box, making me and Adora freeze instantly. It's Sparkles.

"Can we have some privacy??" I snap, growling.

"How did you know we were here?" asks Adora, clearly uncomfortable with the situation.

"I tried to call you on the tracker pad, but you weren't picking up. So I started teleporting around until I heard your voices coming from here. Now, can you finish whatever it is you're doing and come out? There's something important I need to tell you"

"I'm not coming out until you are standing right there, Sparkles" I grunt.

"Don't worry, Catra, seeing you naked is not on my to-do-list. I'll be waiting in the corridor down there, alright?"

She's so damn lucky I can't go out right now, otherwise I'd have jumped at her and probably strangled her. Adora notices the fierce look on my face and chuckles, washing away the last trace of soap from her body and turning off the water faucet.

"Next time you're using soap" she warns me.

"Whatever" I mumble, glad I've been spared this torture.

I wait until I hear Sparkles's footsteps are distant to come out of the shower box, cautiously.

"Come on" chuckles Adora, literally pushing me out. "You're safe, Glimmer is down there"

I grunt and quickly grab my clothes from the stool. It feels strange to wear Adora's golden brooch on my belt, but it's strange in a good way: it makes me... proud. I used to wear the force captain brooch there, and I thought that made me proud, but the truth is that it didn't last long. I used to look at that brooch when I was alone, and all I felt was guilt, shame. I tried my best to fight it, but I had started to hate that brooch. It was like a curse, something I couldn't get rid of, something that would stick with me forever. But now it's finally over. The Horde is over. I freed myself from that curse. But if there's one thing in the world I'd like to stick with forever... that's Adora. That's why this golden wing makes me proud: I'm finally wearing something that reminds me of that one good thing in my life, that one good choice. When I also wrap Adora's jacket's sleeve around my arm, and I see her wearing my black jacket, it all feels just... right. She ties her hair in a ponytail that now shows the shaved sides of her head and I can't help feeling proud of my work: she looks stunning.

When we reach Sparkles at the end of the corridor, she widens her eyes and her mouth drops open in surprise. "What... how... Adora! Your hair!" she stutters, blushing.

"Would you believe Catra did it?" says Adora. "She cut and shaved my hair and did this eyebrow thing"

"What do you think, Sparkles?" I smirk. "Pretty good job, uh?"

"Well... sure!" she replies, still looking shocked. "And with this jacket, I must say you look more badass and less idiot"

"I'll take that as a compliment" says Adora, grinning.

"Never mind, with that grin you still look like an idiot" I sneer, nudging her shoulder.

"What happened to that red jacket?" asks Sparkles.

I point at the band around my arm and Sparkles gives me an approving look. "Wow, you two really got creative today"

"Yep" nods Adora, proud. "So, you said you had something important to tell us. What's that?"

"Take my hand" she replies. "I'll take you to Hordak's lab. Entrapta will explain"

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