Chapter Two-Adora

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I can't believe my stomach started growling the exact moment I was about to kiss Catra. I mean, I'm allowed to be hungry though, right? I've just saved the world! And I nearly died doing it! And Catra said she⸺oh my god I still can't get over this⸺she loves me! And we're going to bring magic back to the universe, together! Me, her, Glimmer, Bow, the new Best Friends Squad! And Catra's right here next to me, heads touching, purring... This moment was just too perfect, of course my silly stomach had to ruin it. But it's okay, I think. Catra's here now. She's not going anywhere. Not this time.

"You sound hungry, princess" she giggles.

"I'm not!" Lie. I'm so terrible at lying. Why am I terrible at lying? The only thing I'm good at is turning into a giant lady with a sword, and I've not been the best at that either, lately. Not that I can complain about how my last transformation went... that was epic. I'm gonna tease Catra about it, like, forever. "Okay, maybe a little. I just really need to put something in my stomach. You know," I raise my eyebrow in a teasing smirk, "saving the world can be quite exhausting!"

"Oh, shut up!" she sneers, pulling away and grabbing my hair puff. She's the only one allowed to do that, period. "I did most of the job, anyway" she brags. "Come on, let's go get something to eat. I'm starving too"

We stand up together, holding hands, walking towards Glimmer and the others, not far from us.

"Hey guys!" I call out, waving my hand. "Ready to go home?"

Glimmer and Bow are holding each other⸺awww, aren't they cute?⸺and smiling in our direction. "Of course we are!" shouts Bow, as enthusiastic as usual. "I think we can all have dinner at Bright Moon tonight" suggests Glimmer. The sound of the word "dinner" is enough to make my stomach growl, again.

"Sounds good to me" I agree, slightly embarrassed. "We've also got plenty of spare rooms if the others want to stay overnight"

"Can I..." Catra stammers, looking uncomfortable. She takes some time before looking directly into my eyes. "Can I stay in your room?"

Oh my god I can't believe she just said that in front of Glimmer and Bow. My cheeks are turning the color of a red pepper as I hear Bow whispering: "Just. So. CUTE!" Luckily for him, Catra did not hear it⸺I mean she probably did, she's half cat after all, she's just too uncomfortable right now to reply⸺, as her mismatched eyes are still locked on mine.

"Of course you can, Catra" I answer, squeezing her hand. "I wouldn't let you sleep anywhere else"

She's the one turning the color of a red pepper now. I love seeing how the look on her face changes from uncertain to embarrassed and finally annoyed. "Will you ever learn to keep your mouth shut?" she sighs.

"Good luck with that!" says Glimmer elbowing me. "Ready to go guys? I'll teleport you first and then I'll come back for the others"

"I hate teleporting" Catra grunts. "Be quick, Sparkles"

"When you're ready, Horde scum"

I find myself smiling as they keep teasing each other. Watching the two of them together makes me realize how lucky we are. How lucky I am, to have such friends by my side. Glimmer and Bow had no reason to forgive and accept Catra, but they still did. I didn't even have to ask them, they just did. They trusted me on this, as they trusted me with everything we've been through. There was a time I thought I had to choose between them and Catra, but now that I have all of them right in front of me... It's just too much. I feel so grateful that my eyes start burning again.

"Let's go guys" I say throwing my arms at them. "Let's go home, together"

Right before Glimmer teleports us, I feel Catra's tail wrapping around my waist. A gentle squeeze. I've never felt so happy in my entire life.

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