Chapter 32-Catra: Finale

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I can't believe it. She's really gone. She jumped into the portal, just like I thought she would, she... she left me.

The ground is shaking, the air is filled with strange, reddish sparkles. It's happening again: reality is about to collapse. And Adora left me, once again.

But I don't really care if the world ends. For me, it ended when Adora went through that portal, leaving me behind, breaking her promise. She didn't stay... She's gone.

I fall on my knees, clenching my fists so hard my claws dig into my skin, hurting me.

"Catra, we have to go!" says Sparkles, kneeling behind me. She was badly hurt by Mara's attack, but she's back on her feet now. "This place is about to collapse... if Adora... if she doesn't get back, we need to teleport somewhere safe, now!"

"Nowhere is safe!" cries Entrapta. "If Adora doesn't manage to close the portal, all of Etheria will be crushed by another dimension! There's nothing we can do!"

"Even if she closes the portal, she won't get back" I say in a whisper. "Your mother won't be there to take her place this time, Sparkles. She won't get back"

Sparkles places her hand on my shoulder, but I don't have the strength to move or say anything, not even to cry. So she hugs me, surrounding my neck with her arms, and starts sobbing. Bow kneels beside her and hugs the both of us, speechless.

It's really over. She's gone.

But suddenly a blinding flash comes out of the portal, forcing us to cover our eyes. The flash lasts for something like ten seconds, and when it finally fades and I slowly reopen my eyes, I hold my breath: Adora!

And she's not alone... there's someone with her... it's...

"Mum!!" cries Sparkles, jumping on her feet.

"Glimmer!" she answers, tears in her eyes. She opens her arms and Sparkles jumps in between them and bursts out crying. How is her mother back?! And they managed to close the portal, somehow, because the ground has stopped shaking and the sky is turning blue again!

"Angella...?" gasps Micah, widening his eyes and coming forward. "Is that really you?"

"Oh, Micah..." she sobs, looking at him and opening her arms again, while Sparkles still holds her waist tight. Micah runs to her too, crying when he finally reunites with his family.

I don't even know how to feel: Adora is back, she's safe, and so is Sparkles's mother, but it was my fault she was gone in the first place, maybe she won't accept me... maybe she'll banish me... maybe...

"What happened?" sobs Bow, smiling like a baby seeing Sparkles reunited with her family. "How did you get Angella back, Adora?"

"I have no idea" she answers, looking at her with tears in her eyes. "I just destroyed the sword... she was holding my waist right before the explosion because I wanted to protect her but—"

"OF COURSE" cries Entrapta, enthusiast. "I GET IT! She was trapped between dimensions when she pulled out the sword from the portal Catra had opened: but now that She-Ra destroyed it while she was inside another portal, it must have fixed the intra-dimensional bug caused by the closure of the last portal! Everything has come full circle!"

"I can't believe it..." sighs Adora, relieved and moved. Then her eyes meet mine, and her smile fades when she sees my face. She transforms back and comes towards me.

"Catra" she says, kneeling in front of me and placing her hand on my shoulder. "It's over. The sword is gone, and so is Zyan... it's okay. I'm back. I'm sorry for—"

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