Chapter Five-Entrapta

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UNBELIEVABLE! I just can't believe Bright Moon doesn't have a lab. What's the point of having a huuuuge castle if you can't even isolate yourself from all the people hanging around here? Plus, this castle is undoubtedly technologically backward. I get that magic is canon here, but this shouldn't stop scientific research! I'll tell Bow about this, he seems to be the only one who understands the importance of SCIENCE! Well, there's also Hordak, sure, but he doesn't have a saying on anything right now, since they brought him to the spare room, the "prison", as they like to call it. At least they waited until dinner was over: even prisoners can't go to bed on an empty stomach in Bright Moon. That would be just too cruel.

I get why they decided to take him away, though. I get why nobody likes him. He can be a little... rough, sometimes, I know, and he has been definitely trying to take over Etheria this whole time. But if they forgave me for using my robots against the Rebellion, maybe they could forgive him too, right? After all, Hordak turned against Prime! That should count for something, right? I'll go check out on him, just to make sure he's doing okay.

Even though Glimmer said I can stay overnight, I'd like to go back to Dryl as soon as possible. There's soooo much work I left there and I would really need an assistant to help me re-organize my notes. Maybe I can convince Glimmer to let me take Hordak to Crypto Castle! At least that place looks seriously like a prison.

When I get to the spare room, two guards are standing at both sides of the door, still as statues.

"Hello there!" I exclaim with probably too much enthusiasm. "May I talk to the prisoner?"

"The access to this room is strictly forbidden, by order of Queen Glimmer" replies one of them. They look exactly identical in their armors, anyway.

"Do you always have to be so formal, guys?" I chuckle. "I just want to say hi⸺"

"Nobody is allowed inside" replies the other one. I swear my robots have waaaaaay more personality than these guards.

"Come on, guys, can't we just⸺"

"Entrapta!" Glimmer's voice interrupts my brilliant persuasion techniques. "What are you doing?"

"Hey Glimmer! I was wondering if you could⸺"

"I won't leave you alone with Hordak, Entrapta" she stops me before I even finish, sounding kind of harsh. "He's here so we can keep an eye on him, whatever he does. I only let him have dinner with all of us just because we were celebrating and I wanted you to enjoy that too, I know you care about him and you wanted him there. But this doesn't change what he did, Entrapta. He was our enemy, he spread fear and destruction all over Etheria, he was the one who brought Prime here in the first place"

"That was you, actually"

Glimmer stiffens, clenching her fists. Uh-oh, was I too straightforward? "I made a mistake" she hisses "but I was acting in good faith. I never meant to hurt anyone. The only thing Hordak cares about is himself, you'd better realize it before you get hurt"

"You don't know him like I do!" I cry as my hair intertwines to form fists. "He's not evil! There's good in him, I saw it!"

"What you saw" shouts Glimmer, pointing her finger at me, "is a lab partner that used you to get where he wanted!"

"That's not true!" I scream, tears of anger filling up my eyes. "He remembered me when his mind was supposed to be erased for good. According to my calculations that must mean⸺"

"Entrapta! You can't calculate feelings!"

I fall silent, making myself as small as possible, my hair tied around my shoulders in a sort of self-hug. I suppose I'd like someone to do that, hug me, but apparently I can't see that someone right now.

Glimmer sighs deeply and moves closer to me. She puts her hand on my shoulder, gently caressing a lock of hair. "I know this is hard for you" she says in a calmer tone. "I didn't mean to be rude. I just don't want you to get hurt. I think all of us deserve happiness, after all we've been through. But I don't trust Hordak. I'm sorry, I don't. I forgave you for the time you spent with the Horde because I know Catra had brainwashed you. I just don't want that to happen again. You're quite easy to..."

She looks away, trying to find the right words. Oh but I know what she means. She doesn't even have to say it out loud.

"I know you don't trust me" I murmur. "You think Hordak could turn me against you, don't you?" Glimmer doesn't reply, but I can still see the answer in her eyes. "Do you really think I would be so vulnerable? So easily manipulable? As you said, I made a mistake once, but I never meant to hurt anyone"

"Really?!" Glimmer raises her voice. "But you knew what the Horde was doing with your robots! You almost got Bow killed!"

I freeze up, shocked. Glimmer's eyes are filled with tears, she's trying to stop her body from shaking. I'm not good at reading people, but I can tell she's angry at me. She really is. And the worst thing is, she's right to be angry. I keep staring at the floor, absent-minded.

"Look," says Glimmer, trying to calm down, "I know we would have never won this war without you. And I know you're only trying to help Hordak. But you have to understand my choice, Entrapta. I'm not saying he's going to be a prisoner forever. But right now it is safer to have him locked up, okay? I'll let you see him every now and then, if you want, but I will always keep somebody on watch, the whole time. That's all I can give you, for now"

"I was hoping you could... let me take him to Crypto Castle..."

"Are you serious right now?"

"A lot of rooms there actually look like a prison..."

"This room will do just fine! Why is everyone obsessed with Bright Moon's prison anyway?!"

"I'm just saying that if you want him to be a prisoner, that's fine. He could be a prisoner in my castle!"

"No way. I'm not so naïve, Entrapta. I know what would happen. I'm sorry, but you'll have to stick to my rules"

I sigh, deeply. Well, at least I tried. I guess I'll have to earn Glimmer's trust before trying again. Very well, I will. I'll prove her that I can be trusted, I'll prove everyone! I... I just need a plan.

It's time to get back to my lab.

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