Chapter Ten-Scorpia

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Wake up: check. I'm in one of the guest rooms in Bright Moon. Glimmer said we could stay overnight and honestly I had literally nowhere else to go, so I decided to stay. I must say this bed is way more comfortable than the ones we had in the Fright Zone. Too bad I kind of tore the mattress apart with my stinger last night when I rolled over. I mean, it wasn't intentional, Glimmer will understand. That's what happens when your beds are too soft! Now I get why the ones in the Fright Zone were made of concrete: at least they were sturdy!

Anyway. Make bed: uhm, kind of check. I'll cover the rip in the mattress with a blanket. That will do, for now.

Looking sharp: I always look sharp, so, check.

Breathe in new day: I guess you could say 'breathe in new life', because things are going to be soooo different from now on. That's why the breath I take is deeper than usual. Check.

Push down doubts and insecurities... I turn to look at the nightstand where I laid the flower Perfuma gave me last night when we said goodnight: it's a cherry blossom. She made it for me. She said cherry blossoms represent both vulnerability and tenacity. She said they remind her of me because my positive energy is what makes me vulnerable but also determined. It's both my weakness and my strength, if that makes any sense. I pick up the blossom and place it behind my right ear, hoping it won't fall down. I look at myself in the mirror and I repeat, out loud: "Push down doubts and insecurities: check". Now, I'm ready to go.

I head to the dining room where we ate yesterday, hoping to find someone there. This castle is way too big to go around on your own, I definitely want some company. Maybe Perfuma is already having breakfast there...

When I enter the room, however, I see no trace of her: instead, I find Catra, Adora, Glimmer, and Bow drinking something I can't quite see from here. Catra seems to enjoy it a lot, considering the look on her face.

"Hey, guys!" I greet them, raising my gigantic claw. "Good morning!"

"Oh, hey there, Scorpia!" exclaims Bow, grinning at me. "Come here, there's some chocolate milk for you too!"

"Choco-what?" I ask, having no idea what he's talking about. The food outside the Fright Zone is so complicated, there are so many things that are not bar-shaped, so many colors, consistencies, flavors... I'll never get used to that.

"It's good, trust me" says Catra, looking at me in a strange way. She seems... embarrassed, uncomfortable, but she's doing her best to smile at me. I'm not sure I've ever seen her like this. "Actually" she adds, "I think this is the best thing I've ever tasted!"

I smile back and go sit right next to her. Adora pours this light-brown liquid into a large, empty mug and passes it to me. Well, the smell is good! I take a sip, swallow, and open my eyes in awe: it's so sweet!

"This is amazing!" I exclaim, enthusiastic. "I would have left the Fright Zone way earlier if I had known you guys were having this for breakfast!"

"Same here" says Catra, chuckling. "I could drink this all day, I wouldn't get tired of it"

"I thought cats weren't supposed to have chocolate" says Glimmer, mocking Catra.

"I am not a cat, Sparkles" she replies, looking somewhere between annoyed and amused.

"Oh my god why didn't I think of that??" gasps Adora, looking at Catra in a panic. "Are you sure you can have chocolate?"

"Adora" she growls, taking a deep breath, trying to stay calm. "I am not a cat! Not entirely, anyway. I can have anything I want, okay? I'm not going to be sick, don't panic"

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