Chapter 31-Adora

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"Razz!" I turn around to see Madame Razz coming forward. "What are you doing here? It's too dangerous! Stay away!"

But she doesn't seem to listen. Her watery eyes are fixed on Mara. She was about to attack again, but at the moment she looks... paralyzed. Could it be because of Razz?

"Mara" says Razz, ignoring my warnings and getting closer to her. I'm about to stop her, but Catra grabs my wrist and shakes her head, silently telling me to let her go.

Razz reaches Mara and grabs her free hand, the one that does not wield the sword. Mara doesn't resist.

"I knew you'd be back" Razz sobs. "You promised we'd bake a pie together. I brought a piece for you" She reaches for her cross-body bag and takes out a piece of cake, wrapped up in a white napkin. She hands it to Mara, smiling. Mara's eyes are fixed on the pie, but she doesn't move, nor speak.

"What is this nonsense?" snaps Zyan. "She-Ra, get rid of this old lady, now!"

But Mara stands still. She doesn't obey. Maybe... maybe Razz can talk some sense into her so we don't have to fight anymore?

"Tsk, very well" grunts Zyan. "Looks like our greatest project has some bugs. I'll finish the job myself, then"

He raises his hand and points his palm against Razz, and I notice he's wearing a bracelet made of First Ones tech with a big, oval stone in the middle. The stone lights up and before I can even think about what's happening, a blast of energy comes out of it, directed right at Razz. I don't have the time to try and do anything because before I realize it, Mara has moved between Zyan and Razz, her sword turned into a shield.

The blast hits the shield, protecting both Mara and Razz, but it's so powerful that the azure gem set in the middle of the shield shatters, causing an explosion of light that almost knocks my feet off the ground. Keeping my eyes shut because of the intense light, I grab Catra and shelter her with my back.

When the light fades and I can finally reopen my eyes, I see that Razz seems safe and sound, but Mara is gone. There's a hole in the ground where she stood just some seconds ago, and a strange, vertical beam of reddish light is coming out of it.

"What... is... that?" I whisper, widening my eyes. "Where's Mara?"

"It's a portal..." grunts Zyan, looking furious. "She-Ra used the Sword to absorb that blast of energy, causing a rip in the space-time continuum, which automatically creates an unstable, temporary portal in our reality... that stupid She-Ra... our greatest project destroyed itself because of a huge bug, I can't believe this"

I struggle to control the anger growing inside my body, making me shiver. "You..." I growl, looking at Zyan. "This was all your fault. She's gone... because of you. You'll pay for this"

"Mara..." sobs Razz. "She... saved me... oh, dearie..."

"IT'S NOT OVER YET" cries a familiar voice in the distance. I turn my head and I see Entrapta coming towards us with Hordak and Bow: they're riding a horse-like robot that I had never seen before, it's so fast it reaches us in a matter of seconds. It must be one of Entrapta's last creations. "WE'RE HERE!" she squeaks, jumping off her robot. "I KNOW WHAT TO DO!"

"Entrapta! Bow!!" I exclaim, relieved to see them here, at last. "What—"

"We've been watching from a distance with some super-enhanced binoculars Hordak made!" says Bow, placing his hands on my shoulders. "We were able to hear everything, and not only that!"

"While you were busy fighting, we placed drones all around this area" says Hordak, smirking. "If we activate them, they will release frequencies that should be able to interfere with First-Ones tech. And since all their weapons are made of pure tech... they are doomed"

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