Chapter 13-Catra

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For the first time since Adora left the Horde, we're having a sleepover. It's been years, but it feels like nothing has changed. Well, something has changed, actually, because Sparkles and Bow are here too, but I don't mind it that much. Melog is snoozing on Sparkles's bed up high. Surprisingly, Sparkles and I make quite a good team. We're playing charades against Adora and Bow, who are losing by a lot, of course. It's Adora's turn to mime now, but as much as she tries, Arrow Boy can't get anything. She keeps on pointing something with her finger, making a terrible bad-guy smirk.

"Uhm, Double Trouble?" Bow guesses, clueless. Adora slaps her forehead and keeps on pointing somewhere, or something, to the right. But there's nothing except for Sparkle's stuff, since we're in her room.

"Adora, you have to give me something!" Bow cries in a cracked, desperate voice. "There's nothing there!"

She grunts, helpless. Then she mimes an evil laughter and points at the back of her neck. Oh, I get it! Too bad that Arrow Boy doesn't make it in time because Sparkles cries: "TIME'S UP!"

Adora explodes: "Oh, come on, Bow!! It was Hordak!! I was acting evil"

"What??" he cries. "And what exactly were you pointing at??"

"The prison room! It's somewhere over there!" she replies, pointing her index finger in that direction, again. What a dumbhead, seriously. Not that Arrow Boy is much of a genius, either.

"Alright, our turn now" says Sparkles, getting up. "Horde scum, concentrate!"

Not that I need to try hard to beat Adora and Bow: they're losing, like, nine to one.

Sparkles makes eye contact with me and then she starts: she holds a tuft of hair as if she was doing a ponytail, so I immediately exclaim: "Adora!", but she shakes her head and goes on. She spreads her arms and pirouettes, then she clenches her fist and swings it side to side, as if she was holding a sword.

"Oh, She-Ra!" I giggle.

"Yeah!" Sparkles nods, winking at me.

"WHAT?" Adora snaps. "That would be She-Ra? What was that pirouette??"

"When you transform" Sparkles replies. "You kind of do that"

"You didn't do it right" she snorts, crossing her arms. "It doesn't look so stupid when I do that"

"Chill, princess" I chuckle, putting my arm around her neck and pulling her close. "You're not used to losing, are you?"

"We should switch teams" she mumbles. "You and Glimmer are too strong together"

"Not bad, Sparkles" I tell her, sneering. "You are good at something, it turns out"

"We should definitely switch teams" says Bow, looking discouraged. "It's impossible to guess what Adora is thinking about"

"Welcome to my world" I reply.

We all burst out laughing, including Adora. I realize I had missed making her laugh, so much. Plus, having a sleepover with her friends is not as bad as I expected. I'm starting to enjoy their company, especially Sparkles's. We're more similar than I thought, for sure.

"So, what are we going to do now?" asks Adora. "I'm tired of charades. Let's do something else"

"Truth or dare?" Bow suggests.

"What's that?" I ask.

"You basically have to choose between answering a question, and that answer has to be honest, or be ready to do anything they ask you" Adora tells me.

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