Chapter 12-Adora

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Hot water, steam, and Catra's purr, all combined together to create the most relaxing moment ever. I thought I didn't enjoy relaxing, but actually I could get used to this. This should definitely be on our weekly schedule from now on. Glimmer and Bow are clearly loving this too: both of them with their eyes closed, Bow is mindlessly caressing Glimmer's hair, her body leaned against his. They look so cute together.

I close my eyes and inhale Catra's scent, running my lips through her soft hair. I'm not even thinking about it, I'm just doing what feels good. And this does feel good.

"What are you doing, princess?" she whispers, her tail brushing against my thigh, making my heart race. I'm glad her back is turned so she can't see my face right now, because I'm struggling to control my emotions. It's like I'm becoming more and more aware of her body and mine as well. It is as if some strange gravity is constantly pulling me in her direction and I can barely resist the urge to hold her. I'm so immersed in my own thoughts I even forget to answer.

"Did the cat get your tongue?" she giggles.

"I wish" I reply in a whisper, without even realizing it's coming out of my mouth. But when I do realize it, I bite my lip, regretting saying that. Catra's purr suddenly stops and I curse myself for ruining another perfect moment. Catra slowly turns around and looks at me with a stunned expression.

"I mean, I..." I stutter, not really knowing what to say. As usual. I just look into her widened mismatched eyes and give her a fond smile. "I wouldn't mind it"

Catra seems as speechless as I am, for once. She gives Glimmer and Bow a quick look, and when she makes sure their eyes are closed, she does something I wasn't expecting at all: she puts her hands on my neck and pulls me close, then she kisses me. I feel like my insides are overheating, as if this whole situation wasn't already hot enough. I clasp her waist and open my mouth, instinctively. Then I just do what feels good. I slide my tongue into her mouth, already open to receive me. When the tips of our tongues touch, it feels like my whole body is starting to burn. And I want more, like I can't get enough of it. A strange flow of energy I had never perceived before runs through my body, making my eyes shine bright. When Catra pulls back, she leaves me quivering.

"Here's your tongue" she whispers with an alluring smile. "You know, for a moment I thought you would transform"

"I thought it too" I pant, smiling. She left me just breathless. "If you kiss me like that again, it could definitely happen"

"I'll save it for when we're alone, princess" she replies, keeping her voice low so that Glimmer and Bow can't hear us.

All of a sudden I remember we have another unfinished business to take care of.

"Hey, about that..." I tell her, raising my eyebrow. "You still haven't told me what Melog said this morning"

She instantly panics, puffing up her tail and grinding her teeth. "Can we discuss this when we're alone, please?"

"Always have an excuse, don't you?"

"It's not an excuse, Adora, I just⸺"

"You two, get a room" says Glimmer all of a sudden, opening just one eye. "We're trying to relax here"

"Fine, fine" I chuckle. "I'll shut up". When Glimmer closes her eyes again, I lower my lips near Catra's ear and whisper: "You're off the hook, this time. But not for long"

Catra grunts and turns her back once more, crossing her arms and wagging her tail side to side. "It's not like you can force me to tell you, Adora"

"Maybe I can't" I admit, acting thoughtful. "But what about She-Ra?"

I feel Catra's body stiffening against mine, then she lets out a low growl. "Not even She-Ra, dummy. I'm not scared of her"

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