Chapter 14-Adora

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When I wake up the next morning, at first I don't understand why my back hurts so much. I'm still sleepy, everything is a bit fuzzy, but when I open my eyes and find Catra curled up against my body, both of us naked, I realize. We're on the floor, our clothes scattered all over the room. The door is probably not even locked, which means that anyone could knock or even come in any time now... We need to clean this mess, we need to get dressed, but... I don't want to move. I have already ruined too many perfect moments, but no one is going to take this one from me. I want to feel Catra's naked skin against mine and inhale her scent, stronger than ever after last night. I can't believe we did that. Now that I'm thinking with a clear head, it seems unbelievable, the way I felt, the things we've done. I was so beside myself, but, at the same time, I've never felt so alive. And when I turned into She-Ra... that was totally unexpected. I couldn't even control it, it just... happened, somehow, when I... Whatever, that's crazy, anyway. Last night was just crazy. I wouldn't even believe it actually happened if we weren't naked on the floor. I wonder if Catra felt like that too... she was kind of beside herself too, wilder than ever... The pain from her scratches that I ignored last night is starting to burn now. When I try to move, I feel as if my back is being pierced by a hundred needles. The pain makes me groan, loud enough to wake up Catra, unfortunately. She lifts her head to look at me, her eyes drowsy.

"Hey, Adora" she whispers, smiling.

The warmth of her voice is a balm against my pain. "Hey, Catra" I reply, trying to ignore it. "Didn't want to wake you up"

"No problem. I thought I heard you groaning"

"No, it's okay!" I try to play it down. "Go back to sleep"

She arches one of her eyebrows, skeptical. Damn, am I really that bad at lying?

"Turn around" she murmurs, a shade of fear in her voice.

"Catra, it's okay, I mean it⸺"

"Turn around, Adora. Please"

This is not going to end well, I can feel it. But I obey, sighing. I slowly roll over, biting my lips hard not to groan again. I hear Catra gasping.

"It's not that bad, really" I assure her, turning around to face her. "Don't worry"

She sits up, looking devastated. Her ears lower than ever, her eyes widened in horror. "I... I..." she stutters. "I had no idea I was scratching so hard, I'm so... I'm sorry..."

"Hey, I told you it was okay, it's my fault too" I try to reassure her, placing my hand on her shoulder. "We'll just be more careful from now on, okay?"

She looks away, uncomfortable. "It's not just the scars from last night" she whispers. "I recognized some of them from... before. The ones from the battle of Bright Moon, it's been three years and they're still there, perfectly visible. And then the ones I did when I was chipped... they're fresh, so deep... do they hurt?"

"No, not really" I shake my head, trying to smile. "The ones from last night hurt just a bit and only because, you know, they're really fresh. It's going to be just a dull pain in a couple days, don't worry. And it will be completely gone in a week or so. Trust me, I'm familiar with scars"

"That doesn't make me feel better, you know" she murmurs, still not looking at me.

I knew this would be complicated. Seems like we can't go on half a day without angst.

"Catra, you have to listen" I plead. "You said I have to stop making everything about myself, and I will try my best to do it. But I also need you to stop feeling guilty all the time. Let's just leave our past behind, okay?"

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