Chapter 29-Catra

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Adora's brother...? She has a brother?

I can see her trembling from here, so I take a step towards her and brush the tips of my fingers against her shaking arm, to let her know I'm right here, but at the same time to give her the space she needs.

"Brother...?" she exhales. "You're my brother? Are our parents on the ship too?"

"I'm afraid not, little sister"

Those words strike me like thunder, right in the middle of my chest, almost stopping my breath. I hear Prime's voice resounding inside my head, I feel the touch of his hand on my hair, and I instinctively move my hand behind my neck, reaching for the faint scar left by the chip. My vision gets blurry, but I need to stay strong, I can't be a burden on Adora, not now. I take a deep breath and try to stop my body from shaking. I can do this.

"I hate to tell you this" he goes on, lowering his voice. "Unfortunately, they were... they perished in a fight, together with many others. All these years, we haven't been just running away from Horde Prime. We found new planets to conquer, we engaged in so many battles, we tried to find new weapons, new ways to improve our superb technology. And two years ago... our mother and father died, leaving me in charge... they told me I had to come back for you, Adora. They knew you would have conquered Etheria by now... and you did more than that! You... you defeated Prime! You fulfilled our deepest desire! We knew you would be a great She-Ra. I'm so proud of you, sister. Our parents would be proud, too"

They do believe they manipulated her all this time... they know absolutely nothing about her, they think she's just like them. But she's not. She's not a conqueror. She's a savior. And she's a warrior.

"You're wrong about me" she replies in a trembling voice. "I didn't defeat Prime for you, I did it for my friends, and I did it for the sake of this planet. I belong here, I didn't conquer anything"

For the first time, I see a trace of rage in Zyan's expression. It's not soft and caring anymore, it's just... menacing. It gives me the creeps.

"What do you mean, little sister?" he says with a fake smile, trying to control his emotions.

"What she means is that if you came here to think Etheria belongs to you, you're wrong" says Glimmer, stepping forward.

"And if you think Adora belongs to you" I add, growling, "you're wrong too"

Zyan raises his eyebrow and stares at us in silence for some time, before bursting out laughing.

"Alright, alright, calm down!" he chuckles. "Let's try not to heat up so fast. Let me see if I get this straight... Adora, you are not the ruler of this planet? These people here are not your servants?"

"Of course not" she replies, frowning. "These are my friends. And since you abandoned me, they are also my family"

"I see... so you don't wish to rule together with us, your people? The first people who settled down on Etheria? The people who made it what it is now?" His voice is rising, gradually but steadily. "This planet would be nothing but sparkles and beasts if it weren't for us! How dare you... we put our hopes in your hands, Adora. Do not disrespect us"

"No, it's you who shouldn't disrespect us!" I growl, clenching my fists. "Etheria belongs to the people who care for it, who are willing to fight to defend it from evil. You don't give a damn about this place, you would have let it explode just to get rid of Prime! And most importantly, you don't own She-Ra, just like you don't own Adora. So you'd better keep your hands off her, big brother"

Saying that makes me feel empowered, somehow: it's like I'm talking to Prime, facing my deepest trauma, using his words to fight back, finally. I feel stronger, standing beside Adora, seeing all the princesses here with us. We're ready to face any danger, any threat, we're not afraid. I am not afraid, not anymore.

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