Chapter 19-Adora

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Swift Wind was right: we really had to stay for lunch. I had never tasted one of Razz's pies before, and I must admit this one was pretty amazing. The fact that she manages to follow all the steps to bake a perfect cake, without forgetting any ingredient or something, it's kind of crazy. If she was so focused when I ask her questions, my life would be much easier.

"This was delicious, Razz" I exclaim, gulping one last morsel. "Really"

"Thank you, Mara dearie" she grins. "I know you prefer berries, but they're out of season right now, alas!"

"How could someone possibly choose berries over apples?" snaps Swift Wind. "That is madness"

"I actually prefer berries too" I tell him, raising my eyebrow.

"Treason!" he cries, looking shocked. "Our sacred bond will be compromised forever!"

"I could live with that"

He gasps, covering his ears with his wings. "Don't you ever say that again!" he says in a cracked voice. "You hurt my feelings!"

"Come on, I was just kidding" I chuckle. "Let's go home now"

"Oh, Adora, wait" says Razz. "I was forgetting something" She sits up and starts rummaging around, mumbling: "Where did I put them, where did I put them, where did I... oh! Here they are" She takes something in her hand and turns around. "Someone told me to give you these. I can't remember who exactly, and when, but I'm pretty sure she mentioned your name and some kind of glimmer" She opens her hand and my heart skips a beat when I recognize the crystal white droplets: Angella's earrings! I can't believe it! It's really... it's her!

I take her earrings in my hand, which is shaking uncontrollably. "This is... Razz! This is Angella! You just told me about her! Can you remember anything else? What did she say? When did she give you these?"

"Angella?" she repeats, looking confused. "I don't know any Angella. That is a funny name, though. I bet she looks like an angel!"

I try to hold my tears back, remembering her kind smile. "Yeah, she does"

"We need to tell Glimmer and the others, let's go" says Swift Wind in a serious tone.

"I'll be back, Razz" I tell her, jumping on his back. "If you see Angella, tell her we're coming for her"

Swift Wind spreads his wings and soars up into the sky with a neigh.

"Make it quick, Swifty" I tell him, squeezing the hand that holds Angella's earrings.

When we reach Bright Moon, I'm so overexcited I don't even wait for Swift Wind to touch the ground to jump off his back, landing with a thud.

"Glimmer!" I cry as soon as I get up. "Glimmer, where are you?" I look around the gardens but the only people I see are Scorpia and Perfuma, sitting cross-legged next to each other, probably meditating: at least, they were meditating before I screamed, now they're just looking at me with surprised faces.

"Adora! What's going on?" exclaims Perfuma.

"Emergency meeting, NOW!" I cry, running for the main entrance. "See you inside!"

"I'm coming too!" says Swift Wind, following me.

"No, I need you to fly around, find the others and tell them to come to the meeting room as soon as possible!" I say, still running. "Go!"

"Gotcha!" he nods, soaring again.

I run inside the castle, screaming Glimmer's name every five seconds until my throat gets sore. I need to find her, I need to tell her about this in private before speaking to everyone else. I don't stop running until I reach her bedroom, hoping she'll be there. I don't even knock, I just swing the door open and burst into the room.

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