Chapter Seven-Adora

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I've always woken up before Catra. She would sleep until noon if she could. Back to the Fright Zone, I'd wake up with the sun and start training, first thing in the morning. Then breakfast, then back to training, and only then, at about lunch time, Catra would get up. Even if we slept together almost every single night, she still complained about waking up alone. She could go on all day teasing me about it. But that's just how I am, I can't help it. Sleeping in is not my thing. Not even after winning an intergalactic war and setting the magic of Etheria free. Nope, still not enough to get me to relax.

I open my eyes and I find my legs interlocked with Catra's, her tail and left arm wrapped around my waist. I blink a couple times just to make sure this is actually real. She's breathing against my chest at a steady pace, looking so peaceful and harmless it makes me smile. Suddenly I feel like I don't really want to get up at all. Maybe we can stay like this a little more...

I only take my eyes off Catra when I hear an indistinct noise coming from the door: it's like a series of gentle scratches, as if a cat...


"Melog!" I suddenly exclaim sitting up, causing Catra to wake up abruptly with a cry of surprise. "What? Adora? Are you okay?" I try not to laugh in her face when I see her tail looking pretty much electrified.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out!" I chuckle, now realizing how dumb I am for waking her up like that, ruining our peaceful, perfect morning. Good job, Adora. "It's Melog, I think they're asking to get inside!"

"Oh my god I completely forgot about them last night!" she exclaims, panicking. She jumps out of bed and rushes to the door. As soon as she opens it, Melog jumps right on top of her and starts licking her face. "I missed you too" she chuckles, holding them. They're so cute together I can barely handle this.

"It's okay, Catra" I say getting up. "I think Melog could have entered the room, if they wanted to. They're shape-shifters, after all. Maybe they felt you wanted to be alone, just for last night"

Catra sits up and gives me a warm look, keeping on petting Melog. "Yeah, maybe"

Melog starts meowing at Catra and a couple of seconds later she is struggling to control her blushing, her tail wagging nervously.

"What are they saying?" I ask, curious, kneeling beside them.

"N-never mind" she stutters, avoiding eye contact. "Let's just... let's go check on the others"

"What?" I sneer with an inquisitive look. "Since when do you want to check on the others ? What's going on?"

"Just⸺Shut up!" she snaps, giving me a fierce look. But I can tell she's not really angry because Melog looks just fine, as peaceful as usual when I'm around.

"Fine, whatever" I say, getting up. "You'll tell me, eventually. Do you wanna have breakfast, anyway?"

"Yeah, breakfast, sure" she agrees pretty quickly. She's never agreed with anything so quickly, now that I think about it. I'll find out what Melog told her, definitely. That's my mission for today.

Catra stands up, her face still pretty red. "Let's go, I'm starving"

She walks towards the door, but I jump in front of her and shut it behind my back. She freezes, lifting her ears in surprise.

"Adora, what⸺"

"You're not going anywhere"

She gulps. "What are you⸺"

"You're not going anywhere," I repeat with a defiant smile, "until you tell me what Melog told you"

She grinds her teeth, but Melog is still looking playful. Good, this means she's secretly enjoying this.

"It's nothing, really" she tries to play it down. "They were just saying they missed me last night"

"Yeah, sure. And you got so red because of that? Come on, Catra" I narrow my eyes. "Just tell me"

"Or what?"

I bend my knees slightly and clench my fists. I realize just now how much I've missed wrestling with her. Now that she's not trying to actually kill me anymore, this is going to be fun. Catra seems to realize where this is going and she gets in position, ready to face me. Her claws are retracted, for the first time in a very long time.

"Have it your way, princess"

She jumps at me, in an attempt to slam me into the door, but I anticipate her move and step aside. I take her off-guard and lock her neck with my arm, lifting her slightly off the floor.

"Hey, Catra" I whisper in her ear.

She sneers and elbows me in the stomach⸺ouch, not as gently as I expected!⸺, causing me to loosen my grip on her neck. She easily wriggles away and trips me up. Before I realize it, I hit the ground and suddenly she's on top me, again, holding both my wrists down.

"Hey, Adora" she smiles, basking in her moment of glory. "Is that all you've got?"

All of a sudden I feel like I can't move. It's not because she's holding me down⸺I could totally break free if I wanted to⸺, it's just... I can't stop looking at her in this light, her mismatched eyes fixed on mine, her lips curved in a defiant smile that makes my heart beat faster, for some reason. So I just stay still, unable to react. When she realizes I'm not resisting, she widens her eyes, just a bit, then she loosens her grip on my wrists and slowly slides her hands into mine, interlocking our fingers. At this point my heartbeat gets so loud I'm pretty sure she can hear it too. Catra starts to lean over, real slow, my eyes fall on her lips, and then...

"Hey guys!!" Glimmer's voice thunders from outside the door, scaring the hell out of us to the point that I bump my head on Catra's in an attempt to get up.

"Ouch! Damn, Sparkles!" she curses, pressing her hand on her forehead, where I accidentally hit her.

"Oh, sorry" I chuckle, my face redder than ever. "Did I hurt you?"

"I'm gonna kill her" she replies, grinding her teeth.

"Please don't"

I get up, trying to put myself together. Melog has been watching this whole time, quietly. There's something in their eyes... they look... pleased.

I open the door to find Glimmer and Bow grinning at me. "Morning, guys!" exclaims Bow, looking as enthusiastic as usual. "Hope we didn't wake you up"

"Oh, no" replies Glimmer before I can even open my mouth, giving me a knowing look that does not help with my blushing. "I'm pretty sure they were already awake"

"Sparkles" growls Catra, coming forward. "I don't know about you, but I personally don't like people screaming at our bedroom door in the morning"

"Aww, you call it your bedroom!" says Bow clasping his hands, voice cracked with emotion. "So cute!"

"Guys" I barge in before Catra jumps at them. "Try not to give her a hard time here"

"What else are we supposed to do?" laughs Glimmer. "The war is over, we deserve some fun!"

"So do I, Sparkles" snaps Catra, still looking irritated. "Our ideas of fun are quite different, though"

"Okay, okay, truce!" I shout, standing between the two of them. "Do you think we can have breakfast all together without you two trying to kill each other? Seriously, you seemed to be getting along quite well when Prime was around"

"That's the point" sneers Glimmer. "We had a common enemy then. Now we don't! There's nothing keeping me from bothering her to death"

"That's what best friends are for!" exclaims Bow, daring to hug them both, causing their heads to touch. Glimmer laughs in Catra's face as she keeps grinding her teeth, but I can tell she's almost okay with it, since Melog's mane hasn't turned red or spiky. Yet. I realize I still don't know what they told Catra. Well, I guess I'll have to wait until we're alone again. Looking forward to it.

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