Chapter 27-Catra

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We're back to Bright Moon. After spending almost all day in the meeting room with all the other princesses, updating them on the crazy situation we're about to face, Sparkles decided we should get some rest before keeping on making plans. Sounds reasonable, since all of us were literally going crazy, given that we don't know anything about these new enemies. Clearly, the only ones who can truly help us here are Entrapta and Hordak, but they moved to her castle with Bow to start doing some research or whatever. I just hope they come up with something because otherwise the situation might get... dangerous. I wouldn't want Adora to carry the weight of this fight alone, especially because it's her people we're talking about. I know she's strong, and I know that she's brave, but that's the problem: I don't want her to be reckless, as she always is. I don't want her to think this fight is up to her, because it isn't. If these people threaten Etheria, it's our job to defend it, all of us. But no matter how many times we've established this during the meeting, I could see from the look on Adora's face that she's taking this personally. And I also see it now that we're in our room, lying on the bed, in silence. The only sound is Melog's quiet purring, as they're sleeping next to us.

"Hey" I say, trying to break this awkward, tense silence. "What are you thinking about?"

She doesn't answer immediately. She takes a deep breath and keeps on staring into space. I don't press her, I give her the time she needs.

"I don't know" she finally answers. "I'm just... worried"

"It's okay, we all are" I reassure her. "I hate that this is happening right now, I thought we could finally get some peace, after all we've been through, but... hey, we'll face this together. We'll be ready for them when they come"

She doesn't seem reassured at all. She keeps on petting Melog on the head, absent-mindedly. "What if we lose this time?" she says in a low voice. "What if they're too strong?"

"Hey, they were almost defeated by Prime, and you kicked Prime's ass" I remind her. "Why should it be different now?"

"You heard Hordak, they might have a secret weapon to take She-Ra down"

"It doesn't matter!" I tell her, raising my voice. "You are not just She-Ra, okay? You're Adora, and you're still the strongest fighter I've ever known. We don't need She-Ra to win our battles, we just need to stand together and watch each other's back. Nothing can stop us"

She doesn't look convinced, though. "What if... what if my parents are there? How am I supposed to fight them? And how could they do it? Send me away? I was... I am their daughter, I..." A sudden sob forces her to stop, and she hugs her knees, curling up like a hurt, scared animal. Seeing her like this makes my heart sink down, but I know she needs me to be strong for her, now. Melog reacts to my emotions and wakes up, cuddling closer to her, licking her tears away and making their purr louder. I take her cheeks in my hands and gently pull her towards me, finally making eye contact.

"I don't know why they did it, Adora" I tell her. "They must have been so blind and stupid to send away such a... beautiful person like you. They have no idea what they missed. But I'll be honest: I'm really glad they did. Because if I hadn't met you... I don't know what I'd have done. And I know it's so selfish of me to say it, but still..."

"It's okay, I'm glad too" she whispers with a weak, sad smile. "I didn't want to be raised by tyrants. I don't care if they're my family. Etheria is my home. I grew up here, I don't care about the rest. And you, Glimmer, and Bow are the only true family I've ever had. Especially you... you are everything to me, Catra. I can't lose you, I can't"

"Hey, hey, you won't lose me, okay?" I reassure her, moved by her words. "Because I will never leave your side. No matter the danger, I'll face it with you. As you said... 'nobody messes with my girlfriend'" I give her a fond smile, and she seems to finally relax. She leans her head forward until our foreheads touch. This gesture gives me so much comfort. I hope it's the same for her.

"What would I ever do without you" she whispers.

"No need to worry about that" I reply. "You'll always have me"

She lets out a relieved sigh and one moment later she presses her lips against mine. I feel a shiver down my spine when she opens her mouth to kiss me fully, looking for my tongue. My hands reach for her neck and pull her even closer, responding to the kiss. Melog must be reacting to the growing desire in my body because they suddenly let out a kind of growl I had never heard before and their magic mane turns reddish and starts wiggling. One moment later they turn invisible, and I can hear their voice in my head saying they'll leave us alone. What a smart kitty.

With an agile move I straddle Adora, and she anchors her arms behind my neck, locking me in place. Her grip is strong, but at the same time I perceive all her vulnerability in it: she's not holding me still, she's holding on to me. I have a feeling she would fall apart if I let go. But I'm not letting go. I would never.

I lean my head towards hers, letting out a loud purr that vibrates through both our bodies. She kisses me passionately, barely leaving me time to catch my breath. When I finally do, I look into her teary eyes and realize she's probably never looked at me like this before. It kind of takes me by surprise, seeing her like this, so vulnerable, so fragile.

"Hey, what is it?" I ask her softly, adjusting a loose tuft of blonde hair behind her ear.

"I just..." she stops, looking at the ceiling. "I'm not really good with words, I don't know how to put this"

"I'm pretty bad with words too, dummy. But Perfuma told me it's important to try and talk about your feelings. So, just try"

"Oh, you've been talking about this with Perfuma?" she asks, surprised.

"Yeah... kind of. Scorpia invited me to a meditating session and I just... I figured that trying wouldn't hurt me. And it wasn't that bad, actually. But I'm gonna have to try harder. But yeah, it's... something I'm working on"

She smiles, proudly. "I think I should talk to her as well"

"Yeah, we might do it together next time, if you want"

"I do" she answers. "But for now, I just want to forget about everything"

"I think I can help with that" I smile. I reach for her rubber band and untie her ponytail. "Leave it to me, 'kay?"

She nods, grateful. It's good to see her completely giving up control.

I go back to kissing her, this time running my fingers on her newly shaved hair, enjoying the tickling sensation it gives me. I did a pretty good job with her new look, I must admit I'm quite proud of myself. I help Adora remove her black jacket—well, it was mine once, but it fits her so well I'm glad she's wearing it now—and toss it aside. Damn, she looks so good in her white shirt I've always wanted to tear up the stupid red jacket that covered it: the shirt is tight on her arms, bringing out the shape of her muscles, making it really hard not to stare at them for too long.

I lower one of my hands on her breast, grabbing it gently but firmly, while her breathing becomes heavier and irregular. I use my claws on the back of her head to scratch her slowly in a controlled, non-violent way that makes her close her eyes and sigh with pleasure. Seeing her relaxing deeply at the touch of my hands both softens me and excites me, somehow. I keep on scratching as my other hand leaves her breast to slowly go lower and lower. But when I'm just about to reach the spot, I come back up again, chuckling.

"What are you doing?" she asks, opening her eyes, kind of upset.

"I just think it's too early for that" I smirk. "I want to tease you a bit more"

She grunts, both frustrated and amused. "Oh, come on, that is low, even for you"

I bite my lips, tilting my head and narrowing my eyes, giving her my best teasing expression. "Oh, you know nothing is too low for me"

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