Chapter 22-Adora

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It feels so strange to walk down these corridors with Catra after all this time. The last time we were around this area of the Fright Zone together it was just a fake reality created by the portal... I wonder if she's thinking about it too. She's being pretty quiet, actually.

"You okay?" I ask her, a bit worried.

"Yeah, sure" she replies, distractedly.

"So... is there anything you want to take from the dorms?"

"I guess I just wanted to say goodbye to that place, actually" she murmurs, looking down. "Don't get me wrong: I hate this place and I'm glad that Lonnie wants to pull it down. But still... we grew up in here. We slept in those beds. We... we used to stay up late while all the other cadets were asleep, remember?" She's smiling now, recalling those memories. "We did that a lot. You complained because you wanted to get some rest so that you could get up early in the morning, but I wouldn't let you sleep"

I laugh, nudging her shoulder. "Yeah, you were such a nightmare! But still, I must admit I loved our sleepovers"

"Like the one we had last night?"

I freeze for a second, as my mind quickly recalls some images from last night. Especially the one where I pinned her against the wall, or when she was lying in bed with her back turned and... I feel my cheeks blushing hard and my heartbeat accelerating.

"Y-yeah..." I murmur, fixing my eyes on the floor. "That was... uh... quite a sleepover"

She chuckles, timidly, and I stealthily glance at her to see if she's blushing too: she is.

"How is your back, anyway? Feeling better?" she asks me.

"Oh yeah, yeah, definitely!" I answer quickly, glad she changed the subject. "Told you, it's not a big deal. I'm okay, really. And to be honest I didn't really mind the scratches in the first place, I mean, when you... uh..." Geez, why am I like this? How is it possible that I always end up making our talks so awkward? "You know, I... I mean, it's okay with me if you do that, the scratches felt pretty... uhm, good, I guess...?"

"Good?" she repeats, looking quite confused. "Didn't they hurt you?"

"Well yes, but actually no" I giggle, nervously, not really knowing how to explain this. "Uhm... let's say I didn't mind them in that... uh... context?"

She gives me an interrogative look and one moment later she bursts out laughing. "You should see your face right now" she says, teasing me. "You're blushing so hard, princess"

"S-shut up!" I snap, punching her shoulder. "You're blushing too!"

"Yeah, but I can get a hold of myself"

"Well, it seems to me that you couldn't get a hold of yourself last night"

She flattens her ears and puffs up her tail, giving me a panicking look. "Wh-what?" she scoffs. "You're one to talk! You turned into She-Ra!"

"Yeah well that wasn't exactly intentional, you know"

"I noticed" she says, biting her lips. "That's why it was pretty awesome"

I look into her eyes and I find it really hard to resist the urge to pin her against the wall and kiss her. But then again... why should I resist it? I'm done letting this place repress my feelings, I've done that for way too long. So I grab her neck with my hands and start to kiss her while moving forward, forcing her to step back until she touches the wall. She responds to the kiss, letting out a low, excited growl. I lift my knee up and slightly press it in between her legs, causing her to gasp. She pulls away to catch her breath and chuckles. "You know, I'm having a déjà vu. Last time you pressed your knee around there we were having a blast at Princess Prom"

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