Chapter 15-Glimmer

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My heart skips a beat when Entrapta says 'Queen Angella'. Every inch of my body stiffens.

"Angella?" exclaims dad, his eyes widened. "My Angella?"

"I can't guarantee you it's going to work" Entrapta says. "But if Hordak and I work together, we can definitely open an intra-dimensional portal again"

"Are you saying this just because you want to work with Hordak?" I whisper, my voice trembling.

"No, Glimmer!" she replies in a firm tone. "I'm not, believe me. I wanted to do something for you, I wanted to prove myself to you so that you can trust me. That's why I thought about the portal. It's my fault too that Queen Angella is gone, so I want to do something to bring her back, if I can"

My heartbeat accelerates as the thought of my mother flashes through my mind, filling my eyes up with tears. "'re s-saying..." I stutter in a cracking voice. "You're saying that there's an actual chance to bring her back?"

"I wouldn't say the degree of scientific certainty is particularly high about this, but according to my calculations we should have no problem opening a portal again"

"Wait a minute" Adora barges in. "Last time the portal nearly destroyed reality. How do we know it won't happen again?"

"We don't know for sure" Entrapta replies, shrugging. "That's why we're not using any First Ones tech to power it, this time. I think the magic of Etheria is a much more reliable source of energy, the reason why the First Ones were so technologically advanced is that they were able to use it to their advantage. We should do the same, combining magic and tech! If we manage to open the portal, though, none of us can get through it, that would be too dangerous! But She-Ra could!"

I look at Adora, her eyes widened in a worried expression.

"What are you talking about?" Catra snaps. "What do you mean by 'could'? How do you know she'd be safe?"

"I don't" Entrapta admits, sad. "But if there's something I'm sure of, it's that we can't just travel to another dimension like that. We don't even know which dimension Angella is trapped in, or when and how she moves to other dimensions. She-Ra is the only one who can go and look for her"

"What if she can't find her and she gets stuck in there??" Catra shouts, standing up. "This is insane!"

"We have to try!" Entrapta protests. "She-Ra is stronger than ever now that the magic of the Heart is set free, I'm sure she can do it!"

"So you're just going to send her through a portal without even knowing where Angella is?" Catra insists, scratching her claws on the table. "That's not gonna happen!"

"Catra, you don't understand⸺"

"SHUT UP!" I cry, standing up. I'm shivering from head to toe, unable to control it, clenching my fists so hard my nails are digging into my skin. "All of you, shut up" I say in a trembling voice. "I'm not risking anyone's safety for this mission. Entrapta, if you can't guarantee that opening this portal will bring my mother back and nobody will get hurt in the process, there's nothing to discuss"

"But, Glimmer" Bow murmurs, caressing my arm. "What if she's right and She-Ra can actually bring her back?"

"My mother sacrificed herself so that Adora wouldn't have to" I cry, grinding my teeth. "Did you forget it?? Do you think she'd want this? Even if she's alive, and we're not even sure about that..." I sob, closing my eyes. "Even if she's alive, she wouldn't want any of us to risk our lives for her. I know that, and you know it too"

"Glimmer, I can try" Adora says in a firm voice. "I can't give up without trying, not after what she did for me. I owe her"

"Please, don't do this" Catra begs her, shivering. "You don't know what could happen, you will be on your own and things could get bad and if I can't be there with you I just..."

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