26; fucking finally

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the ball ended a couple of hours ago, everyone in the royal family got ready for bed. but at that moment, beomgyu came barging into yeonjun's room.
"you will NOT believe what happened!" beomgyu happily yelled, shaking his brother's shoulders aggressively.


beomgyu went over and closed the door before sitting down next to yeonjun on the bed. "soobin and i kissed." yeonjun's eyes widened and his mouth curved into a big grin.

"you did?! that's amazing!"

"but we didn't say much after, so i don't really know if it meant anything.. but i also don't want to rush him or anything. what should i do?" beomgyu asked rather frustrated. yeonjun chuckled, knowing that the kiss did mean alot to soobin.

"don't go to him now, you can go tomorrow or later this week, okay?"

"..okay," the younger replied. beomgyu then brightly smiled and laid down on the bed, stuffing his face in the blanket and kicking his legs in the air. yeonjun laughed at his brother. "we kissed, we fricking kissed!"

soobin was laying in his bed, but he couldn't sleep, he kept thinking about beomgyu. we didn't really talk much after the kiss, what if he didn't like it? what if he doesn't want to talk to me anymore? what if- until someone knocked on his door.

soobin got out of bed and went over to the kitchen, looking out the window first. through the window he sees beomgyu standing infront of his door. he quickly rushes to open the door for him.

the younger boy immediately hugged onto soobin while tears were escaping his from eyes. soobin's eyes widened. "gyu, why are you crying?! what's wrong?" he said as he hugged beomgyu back.

"nothing, i just really like you, hyung," beomgyu said, making soobin chuckle. "and i want to kiss you again, and many more times."

"then kiss me again," soobin said while looking down at the other boy.

"no, you have to kiss me this time! if you want-"
his sentence was cut off by soobin kissing him this time. once they pulled away, beomgyu finally smiled and they went inside, not letting go of each other. once the front door was closed they connected their lips again.

"can i sleep over tonight?"

"your parents will be worried, gyu. and you'll be in alot of trouble again," soobin replied.

"i don't care, i want to be with you, hyung."
"..and not just like, be with you tonight. i wanna like be together with you, you know what i mean?" the black-haired boy said, avoiding eye-contact.

"a relationship?" soobin said with a smirk plastered on his face, finding the other boy quite adorable for being so shy right now.

"don't just say it!" beomgyu said as he slapped the elder's arm, "but yes."

soobin chuckled. "that'll be difficult, though. you're a prince and i'm just a villager. if your parents find out we might never be able to see each other again."

"my father said that last time, yet here we are! besides, i don't care. we'll just have to be careful."

"mhmm.. well, does that mean you'll be my boyfriend?"

"are you sure you want to stay over? if we get caught you'll be the one in trouble, you know," soobin said while they were both laying in his bed.

"yes, i'm sure! i'll take the blame, now stop worrying. that's a future problem," the younger replied.

"okay, okay."

beomgyu then put soobin's arm over himself "that's better." soobin chuckled and caressed the younger's back.

"alright, goodnight."

sorry you had to wait 26 episodes for them to finally date but ayee. this story is probably a little too repetitive, again, i'm sorry. i just like making long stories.

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