18; confused

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a few days have passed. both mr. and mrs. choi are still quite upset with beomgyu, but they don't talk much about it anymore. however, beomgyu hasn't been able to contact soobin at all. he wants to go and visit him again, but he doesn't want to sneak out again.

"father, please?" the black-haired boy was currently begging his father to go see soobin.

"after what you said and did? no!"

"do you want me to sneak out again, huh? cause that's what i'll do if you won't let me, so you might as well give me permission," the boy argued.

"i told you already, i forbade you from ever seeing soobin again!"

beomgyu groaned in response and didn't say anything after, he just walked away to his room. he plopped down on his bed and screamed into his pillow. he just doesn't want me to see soobin again, because i said i loved him. do i love him, though? ofcourse i do, as a friend — or even brother. but do i love him as in — in love with him — i don't even know. i've been thinking about that, even before he got fired. maybe i do love him as in more than a friend? but i've never had that-

"hey gyu," yeonjun stood in the doorway, a smile on his face, looking at his little brother.
"you doing okay?"

"yeah," was all the younger said.

"you snuck out, huh?" yeonjun chuckled. beomgyu just nodded in response with a stupid smile on his face.

"hey hyung, can i ask you something?"

"sure, go ahead."

"when do you know you love someone? like.. not how i love a friend, but.. you know?"

"ah.." yeonjun smiles and sits down on beomgyu's bed, snickering a bit. does my little brother have a crush?! "well, i don't really know, to be honest. i've never been in a relationship before," the elder admitted. due to them being princes, they can't really have romantic relationships. "but people always say that, if you're in love with someone, you can't function properly around them. like, you always feel as if someone's pulling on your heart when you're around them."

"that makes no sense."

"i know right," yeonjun chuckled. "do you think you like like someone, hmm?"

the younger thought for a moment. "i don't really know, i think i do. this person just makes me really happy. not like how food makes me happy, but different."

"do you want to kiss this person?"
beomgyu chokes on air, his eyes doubling in size. yeonjun laughs. "i'll take that as a yes."

sorry it's short >_<
i found this band; The Backseat Lovers. they're really good!!

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