35; stupid father

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today was the day that soobin would leave the castle and would return to his own house. right now, the couple was still sleeping in beomgyu's room, holding onto each other as tight as possible.

beomgyu was the first one to wake up. when he did, he carefully stretched his arms, not wanting to wake soobin up. he yawned and placed his arms around soobin's waist, once again. as he was about to go back to sleep, a knock was heard on the door.

"hello? prince beomgyu, mr. choi?"

beomgyu recognized seungmin's voice. he was about to yell „come in!" but since his boyfriend was still sleeping, he carefully got out of his grip and walked over to the door, opening it. "yes?"

"breakfast is ready. your family is seated by the table, already," seungmin said, bowing at the prince.

"okay, thank you. we'll be down in a minute."

seungmin nods, before walking away. the black-haired boy then closed the door again and walked over to the bed, smirking. he giggled to himself, before laying on top of soobin in a starfish position.

soobin groaned and opened his eyes, turning to lay on his back. he chuckled at the younger, sneaking his arms around his boyfriend's waist. "goodmorning to you, too."

"mhm, goodmorning!" the smaller replied, turning around and kissing the elder on the lips. "breakfast is ready," he said when they pulled away.

the entire royal family, including soobin, was eating breakfast at the table together. it was pretty quiet, the only thing you could hear were soobin's and beomgyu's chuckles and giggles. the two already started laughing when they made eye contact. the rest didn't know why they kept laughing, but yeonjun enjoyed his parents' confused faces.

that was until mr. choi cleared his throat. "so, uh, yeonjun," he began, "have you thought about meeting tzuyu again?"

"tzuyu? no, why? she was just my date to the ball," the oldest prince replied.

"but she was nice, right?" mrs. choi then asked.

"i mean, yeah."

the king and queen looked at each other, before going back to eating their breakfast. the married couple is actually planning on making yeonjun and tzuyu have an arranged marriage. since beomgyu has a boyfriend already, their last hope is yeonjun. mr. choi was ready to let beomgyu have that arranged marriage, just to punish him and teach him a lesson, but his wife talked him out of it.

"don't sneak out to see me, just ask your parents, okay? i love you so, so much," soobin told beomgyu as they were hugging each other as if they were each other's lifeline.

"i love you too, hyung. i'll see you soon, okay?" the younger replied, slightly pulling away to face his boyfriend with a smile. the taller nods and kisses beomgyu on the lips, before also bowing down for mr. and mrs. choi.

"thank you for letting me stay here."
he said, before saying another goodbye to beomgyu. he then made his way out of the castle, going over to the driver that would drive him back home. he hated the fact that he had to leave beomgyu alone with his toxic father, but what can he do? mr. choi is the king, he'll throw soobin in prison if he'd go against him.

"there's no way you didn't do anything. now, stop lying to my face!" mr. choi spat out at his youngest son. soobin hadn't even left an hour ago, but beomgyu was already being questioned and scolded.

"we didn't do anything! we just hung out, like usual, because you don't let us do anything together!"

"then there's no use in dating, right?! then just break up," mr. choi said, rolling his eyes. beomgyu didn't understand why his father always has to be so unreasonable.

"why won't you just believe me?!"

"why would i trust soobin?!"

"what- why not? he's a good guy! he was my guard," the youngest prince said with a puzzled expression on his face.

"if he's such a 'good guy,' then why don't you just go ahead and live with him, hm?"

"i'd love to, but you'd pick me up the next morning," beomgyu said, clearly irritated. he's not a baby, why does his father always have to be like this? he knows soobin is a good guy - he'd never even hurt a fly, let alone hurt his own boyfriend. and he for sure wouldn't do anything that beomgyu wasn't ready for.

and why did his father even care? he always showed that beomgyu was clearly his least favorite child, why does he suddenly need to know everything about his love life? it's stupid. he's stupid.

though, what he said about living with soobin.. that didn't sound too bad to beomgyu.

sloppy chapter, but oh well. hope you liked it :))

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