23; be my date- partner?

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beomgyu stepped out of the big black car, going over to soobin's house. he's going to give soobin the invitation to be his partner at the ball in person, with permission from his father. the boy knocks on soobin's door. after a few seconds, it's opened.

"beomgyu? what are you doing here during the day?" the taller said, embracing beomgyu in a hug.

"i can't stay long, i'm just here to give you an invitation," he said as they pulled away.

soobin looked over at the big car and the guards who were standing outside of it, looking at them. soobin then nods and looks back at beomgyu.
"what invitation?"

"to be my partner at the ball! if you're not my partner, you're not allowed to come near me."


"so.. will you be my partner?" the younger asked nervously.

soobin smiles. "ofcourse, silly!"

when beomgyu finally entered the castle again, he sprinted to his room while he was squealing like a little girl. both of his parents, who were seated in their thrones, gave each other a look. mrs. choi snickered and shook her head. the black-haired boy entered his room and slammed his door shut, plopped down on his bed and screamed into his pillow.

"woah, what's up with you?" yeonjun asked as he entered the room. beomgyu sat up and looked at him.

"soobin-hyung is going to be my partner at the ball! which is kind of the same as being someone's date right? oh god, don't tell him i said that!"

yeonjun chuckled. "is father allowing that?"


"so that's why you're so happy?"

beomgyu nods in reply, but then gasps. "oh my god! do you know what he did when i had to leave his house again?!"

"what? tell me."

"he kissed my forehead!" beomgyu squealed again and kicked his legs in the air, beaming with happiness, thinking of that moment again. yeonjun let out a little giggle this time, smiling at his obviously-in-love brother.

"oh, hyung! do you have a partner for the ball already?"

"umm, i think so. father picked out this girl who comes from a rich family."


beomgyu smiles softly as he looks into the mirror. he's wearing the suit that soobin picked out for him. he's excited to wear it to the ball. he's also excited to have soobin as has partner, but beomgyu rather calls it a date.
"and? how do i look?!" beomgyu asked his guard, seungmin. seungmin just awkwardly smiled at him.

"you look good, prince beomgyu."

"thank you, hyung!"
i hope soobin will think that, too!

this episode was really short, sorry :(
i promise the next one is longer!!

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