7; cuddle me?

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beomgyu was rubbing soobin's back as they entered the castle. soobin got sick after the roller coaster and even had to throw up. the poor boy.

"so, how was the village?"
mr. choi said, walking up to the four males.

"it was fun, but soobin-hyung did throw up."

"oh, are you feeling better now?"
soobin just nods as a reply, not being able to answer. he feels as if when he opens his mouth again, vomit will come out.

"i'll take him to his room, father."
beomgyu said before leading the taller boy upstairs into his own room. soobin laid down in his bed and beomgyu tucked him in.

"is it too hot?"
the black-haired boy asked.

"no.. cold," soobin looked at beomgyu. "c'mere."
the tall male made grabby hands. beomgyu chuckles and gladly got under the covers as well, big-spooning his hyung, not wanting him to be cold anymore.



beomgyu woke up in soobin's bed. this time, he was the little spoon. soobin had his arms around the smaller and their legs were tangled. beomgyu let out a low chuckle and turned around, seeing soobin sleeping peacefully.

after hesitating for a couple of minutes, beomgyu wiggled out of soobin's grip and went to the bathroom. there, he wetted a cloth and got a cup of cold water. he walks back into the room and places the wet cloth onto his hyung's forehead, waking the taller male up.

"morning, hyung."

soobin slightly groans and flinches from the cold water.

"are you feeling a bit but better or are you nauseous?"

"no.. i'm feeling err- alright," soobin said as a slight blush creeped onto his cheeks. he didn't necessarily blush because he was shy, but more because he was embarrassed. beomgyu, prince choi beomgyu is taking care of soobin, his guard!

"that's good. here, drink this," beomgyu handed soobin the cup of cold water. the taller male sat up straight and drank the cold water.

"thank you, prince."

beomgyu smiles. the door to the bedroom was then opened, yeonjun stood in the doorway.

"here you two are! beomgyu, why weren't you in your room?"

"i slept with soobin-hyung, he was cold!"
soobin blushed again, while yeonjun just smiled.

"ah, okay. breakfast is ready!"

just a little fluff, cause why not.

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