2; trying suits

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beomgyu sat at the dinner table along with his father, mother and his brother. the cook put down their plates of food, and beomgyu clearly was given the least food.

the black-haired boy slightly frowns, but doesn't say anything and just silently eats his food.

"so.." mr. choi began, "next week is the halloween ball."

"we still do that?" yeonjun asks his father with a groan. they don't even get to dress up, so what's the point?

"yes, we still do that."
"but beomgyu, you need to fit into that suit for the ball. you need to eat less and work out more."

beomgyu just nods, not making eye-contact.
what about yeonjun? why am i the only one who has to lose weight?
beomgyu thought.

soobin entered the prince's room and saw him looking into the mirror with his cardigan up, revealing his tummy.

"what are you doing..?" soobin asked, earning the younger's attention.

"oh, just looking at my tummy." beomgyu said, facing the mirror again.
"am i really that fat?"

"what? no!"

"then why do people keep telling me that?"

"because they're jealous of you, so they try to bring you down."

he's just saying that because he has too..
beomgyu thought.

"if you say so.." he said.

soobin nods.
"oh right- your father said that you need to get ready for bed. you'll have to wake up early tomorrow."

beomgyu whines.
"why?!" he hates waking up early.

soobin just chuckles and waits until beomgyu finally decided to head over to the bathroom.
the boy took off his clothes, turned on the hot water, and got into the shower.

"ah.." he says as he let's the hot water hit his skin.

beomgyu walks out of the bathroom, wet hair and in his pajamas. he jumped onto his fluffy bed and got under the cover.

"oh- right!" he said as he was going to get out of bed to turn off the lights, but soobin already did it for him.

"ah!-" beomgyu yelped.

"it's just me." soobin said with a giggle in his voice.

"oh.. well, thank you!"

"no problem. goodnight, prince."

beomgyu smiles and lays down again.


this was kinda short, sorry!! >3<

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