19; love?

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"do you want to kiss this person?"
do i? i don't know. maybe i do. his lips do look soft.

"hyung, please help me," beomgyu whined as he was shaking his brother awake. yeonjun groaned and opened his eyes, looking at beomgyu, confused.

"what do you want? it's like 3 in the morning!"

"actually, it's 2 in the morning." yeonjun rolled his eyes and sat up, his hair completely messy. beomgyu chuckled and shook his brother once again.
"you have to help me sneak out."

"what?!" yeonjun whisper-yelled as his eyes immediately sprung open. "are you stupid?! mother and father are already mad at you!"

"i don't care! besides, i promise i'll be back in time."
"please, hyung. i really want to go see soobin-hyung."

"but what if something bad happens to you? then it's my fault!"

"no it's not. it's my own fault, okay? and nothing bad will happen! pleaseee? pretty please?"

yeonjun sighs and rubs his eyes, nodding. "fine."

"yes! thank you so much, hyung!"

beomgyu mouthed a thank you as he stood on the ground, waving at yeonjun. he then quickly ran off, findibg soobin's house. once he did, he knocked on the door. a confused soobin opened the door, but he smiled once he saw beomgyu smiling back at him. soobin immediately pulls the younger into a hug, still smiling. "did you sneak out again?"

"hmm.. maybe.."

they both chuckle and go inside, closing the door and sitting down on the couch.

"did you get into a lot more trouble?" soobin asked, now looking directly at beomgyu.

"well, my parents were — or, are — very mad at me, but that's okay." soobin nods in response.
"hey hyung?"


"have you ever been in love?"

soobin furrowed his eyebrows. "why'd you wanna know? does someone have a little crush?" the taller male asked in a joking tone, tackling the younger to lay down on the couch.

"what- i- no!" beomgyu avoids making eye contact as a light blush creeped onto his cheeks. soobin smirked.

"oh really? why are you blushing, then?"

"just answer the question-AH!"

the elder laughed. "okay, okay!"
"yes, i've been in love before."

"how'd you know you were in love? what does it feel like? is it an annoying feeling? a nice—"

"stop already!" soobin laughed out, ruffling beomgyu's hair. "i don't really know the answers to those questions, sorry."

"what?! but you said you've been in love before!"

"yes, but it's hard to explain!"


while the two were hanging out, beomgyu kept overthinking everything. he also kept thinking about what yeonjun had said. "do you want to kiss this person?"
do i want to kiss soobin? maybe.. i think i do. but why would he want to kiss me? besides, if he does, he could end up in the jail in our castle. but i DO want to kiss him! maybe even more than that! i want to wake up every morning, next to soobin. and i want to go to sleep every night, hugging him. i want to do everything couples do. the problem is, he doesn't want that. he doesn't want me.

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