10; shooting stars

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the entire choi family was eating their dinner in silence, making all of them a little uncomfortable. that was, until soobin passed by. beomgyu's head sprung up and he jumped out of his seat.

"beomgyu, sit back down!" mr. choi said, but beomgyu didn't even hear him.

"HYUNG!" beomgyu yelled happily as he basically jumped onto soobin. soobin gasps and chuckles,
looking at the boy who was nearly on top of him.

"what is it, prince?"

"will you watch the shooting stars with me tonight?"

"shooting stars?" the taller male asked.

"yeah! there will be ALOT tonight! please watch it with me, hyung!" beomgyu said with a pout on his face, trying to convince his hyung. soobin smiles.

"sure, gyu," soobin said, patring the younger's head.

"yay!! thank you, hyung!"
beomgyu quickly hugged soobin and then ran the little distance back to the dining table. yeonjun chuckled while mr. and mrs. choi just sigh.

soobin and beomgyu climbed through the window on part of the roof and laid down.

"are you cold, gyu?"
soobin asked the younger.

"mm.. a little bit."
soobin nods and takes off his hoodie, handing it to beomgyu.

"you don't have to-"

"just put it on, or you'll get sick."

"but what about you?"

"don't worry."
beomgyu hesitantly put on the hoodie and smiled. it was sooo big on him, making him look absolutely adorable. soobin looks over at the younger and smiles. beomgyu then gasps as he sees the first shooting star of the night.

"wah.." soobin says.

"pretty, right?" beomgyu says. soobin just nod in reply. both of the boys are focused on the sky and gasp each time they see another shooting star. after a couple of minutes of a comfortable silence, beomgyu breaks it.

"you know, hyung,"
"i'm sad,"
"for real this time."

"why? what's wrong?" the older boy says as he looks over at the prince who looks back at him.

"father told me to loose weight again for the christmas ball," the boy said, frowning.

"no, you don't. you're not losing anymore weight," soobin said as he wrapped an arm around the younger. he's had enough of seeing beomgyu upset, because of that stupid stylist and father of his. mr. choi might be the king, but that doesn't mean he has to be rude to his son.
"okay? promise you won't?"

beomgyu smiles and nods. "i promise, hyung!"

soobin then left a peck on beomgyu's forehead, making the both of them blush.

why did i do that?! f*ck!
soobin thought to himself.

beomgyu was now laying in his bed, covered in two blankets and with his ryan stuffy. he smiled at his hyung, who's standing infront of him.
"goodnight, hyung."

"night, gyu."

they share a smile before the taller boy turns off the lights and leaves the room. he sighs.

the stars tonight were beautiful, but not as beautiful as beomgyu.

kinda crap, sorry lmao.

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