22; wooyoung 😋

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one week. i've got one week to kiss beomgyu. it's not that hard right? just do it! ack- no, i can't! i can't just kiss him, it has to be THE perfect moment. i can screw this up. how am i even gonna do this? what am i even-
soobin's thoughts got interrupted by a knock on his door, making him flinch. he walks over to the door and opens it. before he can even see who it is, he's embraced in a hug.
"what the-"

"soobin-ah! why didn't you tell me you got fired, huh?! i could've visited you way earlier!"

soobin now finally recognized this person as jung wooyoung, one of soobin's bestfriends.
"i don't have a phone, sorry."

"it's fine!" wooyoung chuckles out. ofcourse soobin doesn't have phone, he wasn't allowed to own one, because he worked at the castle. "can i come inside, though?"

"ah, yes, ofcourse."

the two of them sat down on the couch as soobin brought wooyoung somethibg to drink.

"so, what happened in the time that i was gone?" soobin asks with a giggle in his voice. the two are acting they haven't seen each other in only like a day, but in reality, it's been a couple of years. although they've spoken sometimes when soobin had a day off.

"well, san and i are still together."

"ofcourse you are! have you adopted a kid yet, though?"

"nope, not yet." he says, grinning. "for the rest, uhm.. what else.. oh yeah! i took over my dad's business. i'm a ceo now."

"damn, really?!"

"yup! i also live in the city."

"is it nice in the city?"

"i mean, yeah. though, sometimes, i do miss the village. it was so nice and cozy here."

"mhmm," the taller hums.

"why don't you come live in the city? you have the money for it now."

"i'd rather stay here. besides, beomgyu knows this place as my address."

"beomgyu..? OH RIGHT! the youngest prince!"
"how was it working at the castle?!"

soobin chuckles before answering. "the castle self was fine. though, the king can be very annoying and rude to his own sons. he always called beomgyu fat and told him to lose weight."


"but, beomgyu and i are pretty close, so being his guard was fun. it doesn't feel like being with a prince, necessarily. he's just one of my bestfriends."

"what about the older prince?"

"i was never that close to him, but he's nice and a good older brother."
"they both sneak out and come visit me from time to time," he giggles out. wooyoung smiles, too.

"so you didn't meet a new lover at the castle?"

"i mean.. i hope i did."


"..you have to promise to keep this a secret, okay?"

"keep what a secret?"

"what i'm about to tell you!"

"oh, right! yeah, ofcourse."

the taller sighs. "basically, i caught feelings for THE prince beomgyu and his brother says he likes me back, but i don't know."


"mhm. i made a bet with his brother; i have to kiss him this week." as soobin said that, he groaned and covered his face with his hands. wooyoung squealed and harshly shook the younger.

"you're gonna kiss a prince, soobin-ah!"

"mhm.." soobin said, looking over at his wall.

"i don't even know what he looks like."

soobin chuckles. "they're having a public ball soon, then you can see him."

beomgyu was currently in his room, just laying on his bed. it's now 9 pm and he is boredddd. the boy would want to sneak out again, but he's got no energy for that right now. at that moment, his mom enters the room. "hi mother."

"hi honey, what are you doing?"

"eh, nothing."

"mm, okay. i wanted to tell you that you can invite soobin to the ball if you want."

"isn't it a public ball, anyways?"

"well, yes. but, i mean as like your partner. if you don't invite him as your partner, he can't even come near you."

"oh.. then i'll invite him," beomgyu says, smiling.

i have alot more pre-written chapters like this. everything is kinda shit rn (in life) so when i'm out of the pre-written chapters i might not post for a little while. i'm sorry :(

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