1; first chapter!!

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"thank you," beomgyu said when the maid handed him his breakfast. as soon as the maid was gone, soobin entered the black-haired boy's room and closed the door.

"goodmorning," soobin said.

beomgyu smiled at the taller and bowed his head as a response, since he still had food in his mouth.

"did you sleep well?"

"mhmm!" beomgyu nodded, swallowed his food and opened his mouth to say something again.
"i had an awesome dream!"

"oh yeah? what was it about?"

"i wasn't a prince, but i was an idol instead."
"i was traveling the entire world, going on tours,"
"but then i woke up."

soobin chuckles and looks at the pouting prince.
"well, your dream sounds awesome."

"did you dream of anything?" beomgyu asked.

"mm.. no, i always forget what i dreamed of."

beomgyu let out a "pfft" and went back to drinking his orange juice, still talking with soobin while he just ate his breakfast.

"this suit is- eek!"
beomgyu yelped as the styilist tightened the suit even more to the point where the boy couldn't breathe.

"i think it's a little too tight!"
soobin quickly said, taking a step closer.

soobin is beomgyu's personal guard, so he's supposed to follow the prince around everywhere he goes. besides in the bathroom and stuff, ofcourse.

"his waist needs to be smaller and his stomach needs to be flatter, as well."
the stylist said to beomgyu's father, who nodded.
beomgyu looked down. even though this is stuff he hears everyday from his stylists, those words still hurt him.

soobin frowned as well. even if beomgyu is a prince, that doesn't mean words won't affect him.

"i'll tell the cook," mr. choi said.
beomgyu frowns once again; he loves food.

i know this is kinda cringy, but i hope you'll enjoy reading this..?
NOTE :: they are NOT dating yet!!!!!!!

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