37; leaving

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the entire royal family was eating breakfast, well, without beomgyu. seungmin went over to his room and knocked on the door. no answer.

"hello?" seungmin said, knocking on the door again. after he didn't get an answer again, he got slightly worried. he didn't sneak out again, did he? "i'm coming in, now!"

when seungmin opened the door, he expected - or hoped to see beomgyu still sleeping, but the bed was empty. "prince beomgyu? are you there?" he went to look around, even in the bathroom. beomgyu wasn't there.

the guard decided to go downstairs, to the rest of the royal family.

"where's beomgyu?" mrs. choi already asked, looking at seungmin.

"i don't know."

"what do you mean you don't know?!"

"it means that i can't find him," seungmin replied.

"he probably snuck out again," mrs. choi said, thinking out loud. "well, go get him, huh!" she said to her husband, slapping his shoulder.

"why? if he wants to be with his boyfriend, he can stay there. he'll probably come crawling back soon, anyways," mr. choi replied, not looking up from his food.

"are you out of your mind? what if he's not with soobin, what if he's just on the streets somewhere?!" the queen spat back.

"i don't care."

before mrs. choi got say anything more to her husband, yeonjun interrupted her. "then we'll go to soobin's house, yeah?" the boy said, looking at his mother.

"fine. we'll go, yeonjun. put on your shoes and your coat. clearly, your father doesn't care about his own son."

"open the door, right now!" mrs. choi yelled, banging on soobin's door. yeonjun tried to calm his mother down, but with no success.

meanwhile inside, soobin refused to open the door. he knew that if he did, beomgyu would get dragged right back to the castle. beomgyu just stood there with soobin, not knowing what to do.

"what if my father isn't there?" beomgyu asked, looking up at his boyfriend. with those big eyes, he looked just like a lost puppy.

"i don't care. i'm not opening that door," soobin replied sternly.

"please, hyung? if you really meant the moving away part, then i want to see my mother first," beomgyu begged, looking at the taller with puppy eyes and a pouty lip. ofcourse soobin couldn't say no to that face.

"fine. but i'm opening the door and if your father's there i'll immediately slam it closed."

"yes, okay. thank you!"

soobin sighed and went over to open the door. when he did, he immediately stepped backwards, scared that he might get hit in the face. he was met with mrs. choi, who seemed as if she'd explode any moment.

"soobin! finally, why didn't you open the door?! where's my son?! is he with you?!" she shouted, already trying to look passed soobin.

"your son is right next to you, ma'am," he said, pointing towards yeonjun. the oldest prince let out a snort, covering his mouth.

"very funny. where is beomgyu, i'm serious."

"i'm here, mother," the shortest boy walked up to the scene, standing behind soobin, who was blocking the doorway with his arms.

"oh, thank god! you're safe! you scared me to death, you know?! come on, let's finally go home now."

beomgyu looked over at soobin, biting his lip, before looking back at his mother and shaking his head no. she gave him a confused look, while he just awkwardly smiled at her. "uh.. no."

"no? what do you mean?"

"he means that he's not going back with you. he's staying here," soobin replied for his boyfriend.

yeonjun widened his eyes and looked over at his brother, gasping. "what?! you are?!"

the youngest prince was about to say something, but his mother cut him off. "no, he's not. don't be stupid, you're not staying here."

"yes, i am. i'm staying with soobin," beomgyu confirmed, not making eye contact with his mother. "i don't want to live in the castle anymore, mother."

"well, you don't get to decide that! you're the prince, you're supposed to live in the castle, with us." mrs. choi stated, as she was about to grab her son's arm and drag his ass back tot he castle, but soobin stopped her.

"if you don't leave now, i'll have to call the police," soobin said, glaring at the woman in front of him. beomgyu looked up at his boyfriend, not really knowing what to do in this situation.

"are you kidding me?" mrs. choi chuckled out, "i'm your queen, you're supposed to listen to me."

"you're still on my property without my permission."

"your property? you've got to be kidding-"

before she could finish her sentence, yeonjun interrupted her. "mother, let's just leave! he has a point. you can just come back here once you get his permission soon," yeonjun said, just wanting to leave. he wanted his brother to be happy, and if this makes him happy, he'll let him be.

"you'll never get my permission," soobin said, making yeonjun glare at him, silently telling him to shut up.

"fine! you know what, fine. totally fine! i'll just come back tomorrow!" she shouted in anger, glaring at the couple one last time before turning around again.

when she did, soobin immediately slammed the door shut and turned to beomgyu. "we're leaving," was all he said, before dragging the younger away.

i changed the titles for all the chapterss!!

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