36; everything's fine with you

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beomgyu laid in his bed, thinking about what his father had said to him. "why don't you just go ahead and live with him?!" yeah, why not? living at the castle sucks, so why not live with soobin?

should i just run now, run to soobin? would father look for me? he'd probably pick me up the next morning. else, mother will do it. what if i run away on my own? no, i can't leave soobin.

the prince groaned, feeling frustrated with himself. it's so hard. all he wants to do is just leave this stupid castle, leaving his stupid father behind. it might seem cruel, but at this point, beomgyu is just fed up.

beomgyu let his body move on his own. he was currently making his way out of the castle, being as careful as possible. somewhere in the back of his mind, he was telling himself to not be so stupid and to just go back to his room, but it seemed as if he had no control over his body.

once he was finally passed the guards, he slowly made his way towards soobin's house. luckily for him, no one was out on the streets right now.

am i really doing this? what about yeonjun? i'm so stupid! i should've told yeonjun something. i'll contact him later. beomgyu thought, sighing. yeonjun cared so much about him, and now he's just leaving without a goodbye? well, "leaving," his father will probably find him, anyway.

beomgyu desperately knocked on soobin's door, tapping his foot on the ground repeatedly. "please, open.." he murmured to himself. finally, soobin opened the door.

"gyu? what are you doing here? i thought-" before soobin could finish his sentence, beomgyu gave him a bone crushing hug.

"i'm sorry for bothering you, but i really can't stay at the castle anymore. i hate it there, i hate it so much," beomgyu whimpered out, followed by a shaky sigh.

soobin quickly wrapped his own arms around the younger, pulling him inside and closing the door. "it's alright. come on, talk to me, okay?" he didn't know exactly what beomgyu meant, but he knew that his boyfriend needed comfort.

beomgyu nods as soobin led them into the livingroom, the two of them sitting down on the couch. the youngest was on the verge of crying, but he tried to not let his tears fall. but it was too late, a tear already fell down his cheek.

soobin gasped before wrapping his arms around the younger's slightly smaller frame once again. "hey, it's okay. it's okay, gyu." even though he didn't know why beomgyu was crying, he tried comforting the younger.

"beomgyu, you can stay here, don't worry. you don't have to go back to the castle, i won't let you stay there anymore," soobin told beomgyu, rubbing his back. the couple was cuddled up on the couch, wrapped up in blankets.

beomgyu had explained that he didn't want to live in the castle anymore, he wanted to live with soobin. even if it sounds selfish. he explained that when soobin got fired, his father got even more strict and mean. and overall, he just hated that stupid castle.

"but, hyung, what if my father shows up on your doorstep again, tomorrow? then i'll have to go back again."

"it's my house, so he'll have to leave. and if he doesn't leave, i'll call the cops. after that, we move away."

"oh okay- move away?!"

this chapter was really short and rushed, i'm sorry!! i also haven't updated this in a bit :/
either way, i hope you liked it <33

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