28; three choi besties? idek

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"please? pretty please?"
beomgyu was currently asking his parents if he could go ahead and see soobin while they were eating breakfast. he doesn't want to sneak out at night again, so he's asking for permission. ofcourse he hasn't told them that he and soobin were dating now.

"beomgyu, you have a schedule. first just eat your breakfast, do schoolwork and then we'll see," mrs. choi replied as she sighed.

"okay," was all the boy said. he quickly ate the rest of his breakfast and then ran upstairs to finish his schoolwork. his mother chuckled at him.

"come on, i finished all my schoolwork already!"
beomgyu said to his parents.

"no, beomgyu. no is no-"
his father said before he was cut off by his wife.

"only if seungmin comes with you," she said.

beomgyu had already forgotten about seungmin. the two didn't talk much. even though beomgyu didn't like him at first, now he does think seungmin is nice, but just.. ehh. "does he have to?"

"beomgyu, don't be rude."

"he isn't even here!"
the black-haired boy rolled his eyes. he doesn't want seungmin to come along, because he just wants to br alone with his boyfriend. "why can't he just bring and pick me up?"

"why can't he just be there with you?"

"why can you just not visit soobin?" mr. choi then said to beomgyu, but he was facing his wife who scoffed.

"what if yeonjun's there instead of seungmin?"

"why don't you like seungmin, hah? he's really nice."
mrs. choi said.

"he's nice, but just- it's just awkward with him."

mrs. choi then sighed, "fine, you can go visit soobin with yeonjun. but i want seungmin to bring you two there and yeonjun HAS to be there with the two of you."

"yes! thank you so, so much!"

"please, hyung?!"

"why can't seungmin just go with you?"

"just because.."

"because you want to do things with your boyfriend?"

"NO! you're the only one who knows that soobin's my boyfriend, so we don't have to pretend we aren't. please, hyung?"

yeonjun sighed, i lost the bet, so i probably should say yes.. "okay, fine."

"yay, thank you! now, let's go!"


"yes, now!"

"thank you," the two boys said to the driver and seungmin, who just smiled at them. they then walked over to soobin's house and knocked on the door. soobin then opened the door. beomgyu first checked if the car was gone, before he hugged onto soobin. the taller chuckled and hugged him back.

"hi hyung!!"

"hey gyu, hi hyung," soobin smiled at yeonjun who was standing behind them.

"yeah, hi."

"what are you doing here?"

"we- or i, just wanted to hangout, if you don't mind."
beomgyu replied, looking up at the older.

"ofcourse not."
beomgyu smiled and stood on his toes to peck soobin's lips.

"great, i'm already third wheeling," yeonjun said with a grunt, making the other two laugh. they then went inside. soobin offered them food or drinks, but the two princes didn't want anything.

"why didn't your guard come with you, actually?"

"only yeonjun knows about us, so it'd be awkward."

"mmh," soobin then said.

"as if this isn't awkward!"
yeonjun yelled. the couple was seated on the couch, soobin had his arm wrapped around the younger boy while yeonjun was awkwardly sitting on the couch as well. the other two boys laughed at the oldest.

"what? you want a kiss too, then?"
beomgyu teasingly asked while puckering his lips. yeonjun made a disgusted face and pushed beomgyu away while soobin laughed at the two. "actually, can we go take a walk?"

"a walk? why?" yeonjun whined.

"i just wanna go out, and now we can," beomgyu said. if he'd ever even wants to go on a walk, seungmin has to come along. he just wants to go out right now.

"yeah, sure," soobin then said.

"what if someone recognizes us?"

"we'll wear masks, come on!"
the youngest said, before pulling his brother off the couch. soobin followed the two. they all put their shoes and coats on, along with facemasks.

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