20; complicated

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"he doesn't want me, he doesn't want me, he doesn't want me." was a sentence that kept on repeating in beomgyu's head as he was sprinting back towards the castle while tears were slowly falling down his face. tou can call him a crybaby, but he's just very upset right now, okay? his bestfriend got fired and now he can only go and meet him every once in a while, the boy he likes will never like him back and his parents are still mad at him. beomgyu absolutely hated everything right now.

the boy crawled through the window and quietly walked uo the stairs, making sure to keep in his sobs. atleast he came back to the castle before anyone woke up today. beomgyu makes his way to his room, closing the door and jumping on his bed, silently crying into his pillow. soobin would never love me back. he probably thinks i'm annoying for visiting him in the middle of the night. heck, maybe he doesn't even want to see me.

it's now 9 am and beomgyu fell asleep again. he was still sleeping, until his guard entered his room.
"prince beomgyu, wake up. i have your breakfast." the guard said, setting down the tray with breakfast. though, beomgyu didn't wake up. the guard, who's name is kim seungmin, by the way. "ehm.. prince beomgyu?" seungmin said, this time a little louder. beomgyu finally woke up, rubbing his eyes.

"ah, sorry."

"no, no. it's fine. here's your breakfast."

"thank you," the black-haired boy said as he tried smiling, though that was hard, since he was still very tired. when seungmin left, yeonjun entered the room.


"so what?" the younger asked confused.

"did anything happen yesterday?"

beomgyu sighed before answering. "no.."
"but, hyung?"


"can i tell you something?"

"ofcourse, what is it?"

"you have to promise to keep it a secret, though!"

"i promise. now, what is it?"

"i think- ack-" the younger sighed, once again. "i think i love soobin in that way, but i don't think he'll love me back."

yeonjun gasped and jumped onto his younger brother, ruffling his hair. ofcourse he saw this coming. "i knew it! i knew it, i knew it, i knew it!" "but, you're so stupid!"

"i know.. he won't love me-"

"not that! well- yes, that part. OFCOURSE he'll love you back! are you dumb?!" "he literally looks at you with LITERAL heart eyes! sheesh, you're so oblivious. stupid!"

"how are you so sure of that?!"

"it's so obvious, beomgyu! ughhh, just confess to him already!"

"what?! no!"
"are you crazy?!"

yeonjun rolls his eyes in a playful way. if you pay attention to it, it's so obvious that the two like each other. "i can do it for you." beomgyu widened his eyes.

"do you really think i would let YOU do that?"

"i can ask if he likes you? in a subtle way!"

"i don't trust you."

yeonjun gasps. "why not?! i'm your brother!"

"still," beomgyu relplied. "besides, you'd have to sneak out as well."

"i don't care."

"but what if something happens to you?" beomgyu mocked. "huh?!"

"tsk.. you're annoying."

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