4; dance?

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"are you excited?" soobin asked the younger male who was looking at himself in the mirror.

"not really, it's just another boring ball."
the black-haired boy replied, fixing his suit a bit.
"alright, how do i look?"

soobin chuckles before answering; "you look great, prince."

"would you like to dance with me, prince beomgyu?"
a tall and handsome male said.
beomgyu looked at his parents, who were standing behind the male, nodding at beomgyu.

"u-uh, sure.."
beomgyu replied, as the other boy took his hand. the two of them moved to the middle of the dance floor and started to slowly dance together.

"so.. what's your name?"

"yunho, jeong yunho."

"so, prince beomgyu.."
"mind if i call you princess instead?"

"i do, actually.."

this guy is weird..
beomgyu thought.

"i um, i think someone's calling me! is it soobin?"
beomgyu said, quickly making up an excuse to leave yunho. he doesn't want to be in this awkward position right now. he hurriedly walks over to soobin and pulls him to the center of the dance floor.


"dance with me, hyung."

"uh, sure.."
"why though? i thought you were dancing with that other guy?"

"yeah, but he's weird. he wanted to call me princess."
beomgyu said, cringing at his own words.
soobin laughed while dancing slowly with beomgyu.

even though soobin is beomgyu's guard, they're pretty close, if you hadn't noticed already. they've known each other for a couple of years now, so they grew to be great friends.



they both laughed. soobin had accidentally stepped on beomgyu's feet, since he isn't used to dancing like this.

"ow! yah, hyung!"
beomgyu said jokingly.

"i'm sorry."

"so, did you enjoy the ball?"
soobin asked, looking at the shorter boy.

"dancing with you was fun, the rest was quite boring." he replied.
"atleast my suit wasn't too tight."

soobin chuckled.
"get some rest," he said.

beomgyu nods and smiles at the elder. they say their goodnight's before beomgyu walks over to his bathroom and just changes into his pajamas right away, being too tired to take a shower.

he got back into his bed, grabbing onto his ryan stuffy and pulling the duvet over himself.

ack- sorry that the episodes are very short! school starts tomorrow- well actually in a couple of hours lmao. fall break is overrr :(

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