34; late night kisses

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beomgyu had woken up in the middle of the night. he was sleeping in his bed, next to soobin. he tried going back to sleep, but he just couldn't. he carefully got out of the taller's grip and walked over to the window, opening it and walking through it, stepping onto part of the roof. the boy likes to sit there, just for fun.

"gyu, what are you doing out here?"

beomgyu gasped at the sudden voice, turning his head around. "hyung, you scared me," he said with a chuckle.

"sorry," soobin said with a chuckle, as well. he then went through the window as well, sitting next to the younger. "remember when we watched a star show?"

"mhmm. it was really pretty."

"just like you," soobin said with a cheeky smile on his face. a blush appeared on the younger's cheeks and ears.

"stop it..!" beomgyu said, slapping soobin's arm in a playful way. the taller laughed and kissed beomgyu's cheek, followed by kissing his lips. it was meant to be just a soft peck, but neither of them pulled away from it, so it turned into an actual kiss. beomgyu fully turned his head and placed his hands at the back of the elder's neck, pulling the other boy closer.

"uhm.. hello?"
as soon as the two boys heard a sudden voice, they pulled away and looked behind them. there stood seungmin, looking at them awkwardly. "uh, mr. choi said that you two need to go back inside immediately."

beomgyu cleared his throat before speaking, "yeah, we'll uh, go back." seungmin nods and quickly leaves, leaving the two, now blushing boys, alone.

"how did he even know we were out here?"

"i have no idea. he has his ways, i guess.."

the next morning it was quite awkward at breakfast. mr. choi kept asking the couple questions about why and what they were doing on the roof, even though he'd seen exactly what they were doing. mrs. choi has tried to tell her husband that he shouldn't be so strict on them and that he should just let them be, but he won't listen.

so, even though mr. choi has been a total pain in the ass, the couple does enjoy spending alot of time together. the two of them realized how much they had missed living together, since they basically did when soobin still worked at the castle.

"hyung, do you want to watch a movie?" beomgyu asked soobin as they sat down on the couch in the livingroom. "no horror this time," he chuckled out.

"sure," the taller replied.

"how about ponyo?" beomgyu asked, smiling up at the taller.

"isn't that a movie for kids?"


soobin let out a chuckle, ruffling the younger's hair. "you're so cute!"

beomgyu had his legs wrapped around his boyfriend's torso as soobin was laying on the younger's chest. they were still watching ponyo, very much enjoying it, too.

"ponyo's so cute.." beomgyu said. soobin smirked.

"not as cute as you."

"stop it with the cheesy pick up lines!" beomgyu whined as a blush spread across his cheeks. soobin just laughed, finding the younger adorable.

after the movie was over, the couple stayed on the couch, in the same position. beomgyu brushed his fingers through his boyfriend's hair, loving the smoothness. "you know, i miss living in the same house as you. i hate the fact that i have to sneak out at night just to spend time with you," beomgyu said.

"me too," the taller admitted. "i wish we could just go out and do stuff, but i guess we don't have another choice."

beomgyu hummed in response, "i'm sorry. that's all because i'm a stupid prince," he grunted, feeling guilty.

"it's not your fault, gyu! i love you so much, i just wish we could do more stuff together. i still love being your boyfriend, i wouldn't want to change that."

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