30; accidentily exposed

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where we left off, again.

as soon as they all arrived back at the castle, mr. choi started yelling at beomgyu. "didn't you learn your lesson?! how dare you sneak out so many times AT NIGHT, without even telling us ONCE! that isn't just breakjng the rules, that's also dangerous! you are so irresponsible! i should throw you in fucking prison for a couple of nights, that way i know you won't sneak out."

beomgyu just sat there, listening to his father who kept throwing words like "brat" or "ungrateful shit" at him. he knows it's wrong, but to get so mad? nothing happened, he's alive and well.

"i don't understand why you need to sneak out so much, anyways. he was just your guard!"

"he wasn't JUST a guard!"

"yeah, yeah. you two were close friends. but that doesn't mean-"

"he is my boyfriend, okay?!"

mr. choi finally went silent. his eyes widened and his mouth fell open. his shocked face soon turned into an angry one, when he walked up closely towards beomgyu, making the boy gulp. "what did you just say?!"

"soobin is my boyfriend." beomgyu only blinked before he felt a painful slap on his cheek. his hand traveled up to his now stinging cheek as he looked at his father in disbelief.

"sir!" seungmin yelled. he came running towards the two and pulled beomgyu away from his father. "are you okay?!"

"i'm fine," the black-haired boy replied.

"come on," seungmin dragged beomgyu upstairs to his room and set him down on the bed. he grabbed a wet cloth and carefully brought it up to the boy's cheek. "i'm sorry for not stepping in earlier."

"it's fine. it's not your fault. i'm the one who made him mad."

"yeah, but he can't hit you. has he ever done that before?"


seungmin nods and pulls the cold cloth away from the younger boy's cheek. "is it still stinging?"

"a little bit.. thank you."

"no problem. i'll leave you alone, now." seungmin left the room and went to his own. beomgyu crawled into his bed and grabbed his ryan stuffy, holding onto it tightly. maybe he'll sneak out again tonight and just never come back. that's what his father wants, right? tch.

"gyu, wake up," yeonjun said to his brother, shaking him awake. beomgyu wakes up with a groan and looks up at his brother.

"what is it, hyung?"

"you okay?" yeonjun said, looking at the other boy's red cheek. beomgyu just nodded. "so.. i called soobin, he's here."

"what? i just came from his house. where is he?!"

"right i front of you," yeonjun replied with a grin on his face. beomgyu turned his head and smiled at his boyfriend.

"hyung! what are you doing here? are you allowed to be here? did my father hurt you?! if he did, i swear i'll-"

"slow down!" soobin laughed "i don't know where your father is and he didn't hurt me. i just came when yeonjun-hyung called me."

"you got a phone?"

soobin chuckled, "yeah. didn't i tell you?" beomgyu just shook his head.

"i'll leave now," yeonjun said. he flashed them a smile before leaving the two alone.

"so, what happened? yeonjun told me your father got really mad at you."

"yeah.. i accidentally told him you were my boyfriend, so he got even more mad."

"mmh," soobin said while he sat down on the bed next to his boyfriend. "did he touch you?"


"are you sure? if he did, you have to tell me. i'll-"

"he didn't! i.. i promise!"

"..okay, i believe you."

this was craaaaappppp. anyways, i have a german test in a bit. wish me luck! :P

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