17; yeah idk

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where we left off.

soobin's eyes widened as well.
he just means it as a friend, right? the elder just shrugged it off, even though he had a slight blush on his face.

"you what now?! what do you mean?!" mr. choi said, yelling in beomgyu's face. soobin wanted to jump in and say something to defend the younger so badly, but mr. choi is the king, he wouldn't stand a chance of winning that argument. beomgyu had no idea what to reply to his father, infact, he doesn't even know what he himself meant by that.

"i don't know! just- ugh! just please hire soobin again!" and here we go again with that.

"beomgyu, just let it go." soobin said, not wanting beomgyu and his father to fight over that again.

"beomgyu, enough. i won't hire him again, especially not if you apparently 'love' him." his father replied, sounding stern.

"well, then i'm not returning to the castle." beomgyu said, crossing his arms.

"gyu, don't be stupid and listen to your father," soobin said as he placed a hand on beomgyu's shoulder.

"can you not?!" beomgyu said with a groan, pushing soobin's hand away. he's still embarrassed over what he just said. mr. choi sighed and ordered two guards to drag beomgyu along. they both picked him up by his arms, making the boy gasp. "hey! hey, hey, hey!" "let me down!" the boy yelled, swinging his feet. soobin chuckled at the sight, even though he shouldn't.

"see you, prince!" soobin just said, a grin plastered on his face. beomgyu stuck his tongue out at him as he was being carried by the guards still.

"do you have any idea how worried i was?!" mrs. choi scolded at her youngest son, slamming her hands on the table. "just to visit soobin!" "sneaking out like that, not saying a word!"

"i'm sorry," was the only thing beomgyu said, looking down.

"yes, you should be sorry! look, i understand that you wanted to see him, but-"

"-but i needed to ask you?" beomgyu finished the sentence. "i did, but i needed permission from father and i didn't want to talk to him."

"so you just sneak out?! that's just childish!"

"i know.. i'm sorry, okay?"

mrs. choi sighed, being kind of done with beomgyu right now.

"i'm sorry, mother."

"just go upstairs, okay?"

beomgyu nods and follows his mother's orders, going upstairs. if only he had an actual phone of his own so he could call or text soobin. well, soobin doesn't have one either at the moment, so it wouldn't really work anyways.

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